Wednesday, Feb. 22, 2017
I'm back on track, or hope I am, I did write to say hello I'm back then did something and lo and behold lost my first's hoping this will stay and that you all remember me. My older blogs were mainly about Mac, but as most of those who followed my blog know, my darling Mac died.
Now I do continue to see people with the big A. Alma my friend's mom who lived in the Place behind this building has moved further, but I get to see her when I volunteer on Mondays in her Art Class. I mostly help Alma, but do get to give a hand to the others. Amazing to me is just how alert they are and certainly none have been aggressive or as far gone as some of the patients that are here on the second floor. I guess they have been chosen for their ability to communicate and not become frustrated. Certainly Alma is a case in point. She may say, "No dear, I don' t want to paint, but when I pick up the paint brush and say, well this is what the teacher is suggesting we do...abstract work, or paint in a heart for Valentine's I will kind of do a few strokes, and then Alma seems to feel she has done some fairly good work.
So that is a part of my life, BUT, there is a life after one's loved one dies, and ONE, has to try to continue on and enjoy the time. This is important so doing what I feel is helpful, i.e. working with others, reading, - I now am in two book groups, my original one and one that just opened up at the Library which is right next door..Expanding my mind is the idea, The only thing is my eyes are not the greatest, having macular degeneration requiring me to have an injection in my right eye (wet type of degeneration) and the dry in my left, makes reading for any long stretches not feasible.
Continuing to do exercise, such as walking, yoga, zumba and stretch exercises plus dancing at home all help I hope to keep me supple and active well...meeting people and doing fun things at the local over 55 place which here in Lachine is the "Tea Pot."..and going to here is the surprise I've been going out with a man that I met at church...This part of the blog is to say how have I kept from getting too sad...Obviously I'm much much better..and so I will tell more about the new man in my next blog...wait for it...ha.
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