Monday, 3 April 2017

April 4, 2017  Monday...Here I am back at the ranch, so to speak.  I've been with Alma for two different sessions now.  I'm always amazed at how she can make one feel so good...I know it's supposed to be the opposite way around.  BUT, how would it be if everyone said something that Alma said to me when I asked her.."hi Alma how are you" answer...Fine, especially now you are here"...Well it took me aback, but how sweet is that.
We then proceeded to walk to the windows of the Bayview Residence where she lives...everything pleases her eye from the trees by the water, to the light from the sun shining off the car windows, makes one appreciate life in general and one's good health in particular.
After looking out the windows, one this side one that side and one the other side,commenting on each little leaf, tree and reminding ourselves again, how wonderful it all is, we proceed to read the National Geographic.  Amazing how easily Alma reads does she understand what she reads, well yes if we go over it point to the pictures the words are addition and for sure its worth talking about.
Then it's time to do our art work.  Today's project was to paint already photocopied flowers (kind of from a coloring book) then to paint a little 3 d box to put at the bottom of the flowers...This was done not too enthusiastic  about it, but was done, lily with leaves, and finally a large zinnia...Her comments are always to encourage me to continue with my good work, It is supposed to be the opposite way around here so I kind of end up saying the same thing she says to me ,then I say  to her.  Such as, "well done", "you are really quite artistic"...She is always so quick to compliment my work, that it seems almost ridiculous to say the same thing to her...
How lovely it is to help someone so unassuming and so happy to see me...the only time Alma seems to get cross is when she decides something - such as a paint brush absolutely belongs to her,  no way will she give it up...but that is minor and soon becomes something she doesn't want anyway/
Then it's time to take her up to either a window on her floor so she can look out , or to her room to watch t.v. or to the main room with the others watching t.v., or listening to music.  I say "goodbye, see you next week"...Jackie will be up to see you...and the sweet answer  "you mean my Jackie", yes is the answer...
My volunteer work for the week with Alma is over, then the volunteer (my friend Harry) comes to get the volunteer, and I go home to think about Alzheimer's disease and the many who suffer this curse...I have put something on Facebook re the handling of Alzheimer's patients...not all are as easy as Alma, I know...but all should have visitors.
 Oh before I forget how lovely it was to watch a bed ridden woman, unable to talk, or hardly speak, twisted body (perhaps rheumatoid arthritis) , being stroked and kissed on the forehead by her husband...lucky her; how often this is not the case...she certainly did something right in her life,   Then as I was leaving to meet an old former deaf student...happy and contented visiting her aunt at this residence and telling me  IN sign language, I'm so lucky I'm able to have fun live a good life and enjoy friends...I help to feed the ones who cannot feed themselves...and proudly say "I'm a VOLUNTEER..

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