Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Tuesday, April 22, 2014 I have no money.....

The common lament of Mac's, "i have no money", hasn't been an issue for quite some time, but when i asked him before dinner tonight....'hey why the furrowed brow...that was the answer   "i'm worried, i have no money"...Well we went through all our lines, where I show him his wallet, which has money, has his bank card, and show him his statements...then he can look out the window and see his bank...explain  how he came to  have money  i.e. pension...where he worked...this we went through for about 3 times, till finally he agreed to the facts and then said "o.k. i'm not so badly off...that's great"  proceeded to enjoy his dinner, dessert, and then our usual walk around our building, ending with our goodnight to our neighbour downstairs...his usual talk with the preposee while she get's him ready for bed...and now  he is quite content...hope - as never know what happens during the night...when he dreams and then walks and talks in his dream...I was up half the night on and off a couple of nights ago...convincing him that what he had to get out for would have to wait till the sun came out...certainly 3;00 a.m. wasn't a good time...

Received an email from an old buddy now living in the u.s.  asking me how it goes with Mac these days..well this was my reply;-

nice to hear from you Jean,  .we are still getting along in our new digs here in lachine, it's been a year now -still walking evrywhere and enjoying it..especially now with the better weather ...thankfully...mac is o.k. but as you know has Alzheimer's so it's a challenge every day to make sure he is able to walk,(especially, when it's a wet day like today) as walking as well as listening to music are his only activities, other than helping with drying dishes and taking clothes to the laundry room...also of course chatting - although this is at times difficult as he get's an idea and then has trouble to elucidate just what he wants to say...not always, but it's surely not easy for him...i wish he took an interest in t.v. but his hearing is not the greatest and he doesn't want to wear his earphones or hearing aids...so t.v. is an on again off again ...depending on the show...and how great his interest is in whatever is being shown...he used to be a news buff, but no longer.
 An example of our walking - we went to Church on Easter Sunday..finished at 12;00 .and then walked all over the place, -  to  beautiful lasalle park 10th ave..from macdonald ave to St.lAntoine then .  stopping for rests at different points the lachine market, then at the canal, and then on to the lake all the way  to 39th ave. and fnally back to our place on 32nd....the weather was spectacular....the five hours seemed to disappear in a gorgeous haze, we just love the ambiance...drink milkshakes, mac loves to have a hot dog  and so it goes...
 When we were at back our place I said, you must be half asleep, no not at all, just three quarters, says mac.. ha..
So that's life in the fast lane....bye for now...jan.
And so it goes...that's our kind of life these days.....yours sounds good too...so keep up your good activities, it's great for the brain and your health...bye for now...janxx

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