Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Tuesday October 6th, 2015 Answer to an email -re Bermuda....

Hi Marge, Sorry took so long, Guess getting ready to go away, then being away (one week only) and now I'm back...has kept me busy plus the fact that my computer seems screwed up somehow as it says I have 84 emails, and I can't seem to get them, but did get yours..from Chioggia, Italy (never been there but sounds good.especially food etc).hope the weather is good. Speaking of food I've been enjoying that to a degree that is almost sickening, since Mac died I've gained 10 lbs and the cruise has really been the icing on the cake, or the fat on the nut, me...
It was a fun cruise, I hate all the getting to the cruise and getting off, plus my friend and I were so anxious to get off the assembly line of people getting off the ship, we didn't think about our luggage (I euphorically thought they put it on the bus for us - ha fat chance) so got the good news that we have to pay Fed Ex to ship our suitcases that were left on the pier in Boston ...I called today to tell them to go ahead and mail my case, naturally they are closed or something..so hope I get my suitcase sometime. Actually except for the few gifts, and my one cute dress, I'm not too concerned..can buy new stuff...I did buy myself a beautiful bracelet (pretended it was from Mac) luckily that was in my purse, thank God.
Bermuda is beautiful we loved the beaches but kept looking for pink sand, it seems to me it's only really pink when it's wet. (I brought some home )One of the funny things is that I went into the hot tub after swimming -sat beside a woman who asked where I was from, turns out she is from Kahanwake (native reserve next to Chateauguay), and was in my son's class in high school..out of 5000 people on the ship, there we were, and we met in another hot tub the next day...all very serendipity..someone said we had to meet for a reason..beats me I don't know the reason, maybe it will turn up... Another fun item, we got lost in Georgetown when the excursion bus driver told us we had one hour and half, we took a little longer and forgot where the bus was..and would you believe, we were kind of wandering along wondering what to do, when the bus was passing us the driver spotted the two delusional ladies and stopped - I said oh good this is where we were to be picked up... I thought his eyes were going to pop out of his head.."lady he said, I just phoned the ship and they have sent someone to try and find you guys"...never a dull moment.
So all's back to normal, and I’m home happy and contented, not sure if I'll take another cruise, maybe with my kids, so they can look after me. Sounds good to them. Xxxjan.

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