Friday, 19 May 2017

Saturday, May 19, 2017...I'm kind of late with my most recent visit with Alma, which was last Monday...will be going again this Monday..but just want to put a few thoughts down while I have them in mind.  

I collected over 600$ so far for the Alzheimer's WALK  this money along with all the other monies collected I hope will go for research for a cure...this of course is top priority..Why I'm talking about this is because one of my friends has been going through a really rough time with her cousin who had the disease of dementia..not all dementia is Alzheimer's but all dementia is a maddening thing to encounter when one has to think of ways to help.  Her cousin died and although it is sad, it is also what her cousin die.  How terrible and sad an ending.

Therefore, my friend is so insistent that whatever monies are collected should absolutely go to research and CURE.  Well of course, but it is so important too that the $$$ go to help the Alzheimer Association help the CARE GIVERS... She would have benefited by going to a group meeting, her thoughts and ideas along with the other care givers that are in the group the support and exchange of problems and how to solve them are a real blessing to the people in the group.

 I for one have been in an Alzheimer Support Group..It was, for me, so important..  It must have been to the people in the group as well, because...that is how I came to know ALMA...Even though I am no longer looking after his caregiver.  Alma's daughter is her Care Giver, I met her at our Alzheimer Group..she along with 7 others in the group have kept together.  We meet about once a this group, there are now 3 of us who no longer have the sick person in our lives..but we meet to help the others, to listen to their lives, and give support, In my case I give my support by helping Alma which gives her daughter who was my fellow Care Giver a break.

Not only that, but she remembers Mac, she can help me at times too, as I sometimes slide into a kind of sad time wishing he was here but forgetting how his disease made him so unable to understand what's going on.  This is the same scenario that we see with Alma.  When I went to see her last Monday, she was in her room sitting in her wheelchair, folding very very carefully, a pair of pullups.(kind of diaper she wears)  She then put them in a purse and then in the drawer.  Saying well that's done, but what do I do with those things anyway.

As I pushed her wheelchair out of her room, she said, "now just where are we dear".  I said, you are at the Bayview Residence, in your apartment, It's. nice right??  But now we are going to your Art Group.   "oh we are??"   and so we did our project.  Which was to stamp some nice flowers or animals from a stamper pad unto cards..making Thank You's...  Who are we thanking said Alma, and Why...good questions.  Turns out we were thanking the art suppliers..She did a lovely job of stamping a cat, a kind of cougar, and a beautiful flower on three different cards....coloring them and discussing with me just how they should be placed on the card.  She suggested how I should put additional touches so she could color them in, a kind of palm tree, a kind of doorway around the cougar, and leaves around the flower.    We then put three tiny plants into tiny glass cups Those were the gifts that went with the cards...I thought this was a super project.  Most of the residents there enjoyed the whole process, Many thanks should go to the young girl (forgotten her name) who leads the class.

Well as we were leaving the class I said to Alma, let's look at your work one more time before it is taken away to give to the suppliers..That was within five minutes after she finished...she looked at everything carefully, and said...Those cards and plants are very nice, who did that, and where are they going.  All things are so "right now",  no memory, no thoughts...just as I was feeling a bit depressed about this..Alma said.  Isn't that MY JACKIE...and it was, Jackie is her daughter...My heart lightened as I waved to Jackie.  Hurrah what a wonderful memory...and a good end to our day together.

Wednesday, 3 May 2017

Monday May 1, 207

Another Art Project...Alma was on-target most of the time I was with her.  This project consisted of each person having a kind of aluminum cake pan filled with of all things....Shaving Cream...Alma had to take an eye dropper and fill it with her choice of food colorings  red, blue, green, or yellow.  Then drop it in different places on the Shaving Cream...which was sticking up in waves..  When she had just about covered the whole pan of shaving cream, she had to take a thin stick and weave it making all the colors join in a beautiful combination.  After came the piece de resistance..ok...a piece of art paper about 8 by 10, put it on carefully then peel it off, making all the colors stick to the paper.  Eventually the colors will melt on the paper in a lovely way and dry.  The next step will be to cut the paper in strips cover with clear vinyl put a hole in put a ribbon through and voila   several lovely book marks, or psychodelic colored paintings...

We read words in a crossword puzzle today, but it didn't mean anything to Alma, so maybe next time, one never knows when she is on or off...She was clearly happy and I took a couple of pictures and she looks great smiling away, I should try to get some pictures on this blog, but really don't know how to do this.  We had our tea, and cookies...and as usual looked out the window..this week the weather was not so cooperative so no outdoor activity...but watching the wind on the lake and the trees was a pleasure...this as I mention so often is a saving grace for those with dementia,  They can certainly be on target when they look at the scene wherever they are.

The place she is in great, the aides are happy, and the place is clean and quite a pleasure in that it is bright, with great pictures, and colorful walls, many windows, and last but not least a great view when one looks out the windows..most looking over the lake across the road. the toad tree lined and birds flying over and down.  Just Lovely.

There was nothing serious to spoil the day.  all went well, and as usual, she is so on target even with her time for the bathroom, and that's when I leave, an attendant takes her and I make sure to leave some cookies in her room and off I go, feeling well - not exactly happy, as who can be happy when we see one who does not have full understanding of their place and self...but it was as close as possible to a happy day for both of us.

The Walk for Alzheimer's is coming up on May 28 in Montreal, Will be asking for monetary support for this when I join the walk...Hoping I can raise a good amount...but when oh when will the break through come..and the cure for Alzheimer's happens...let's hope in our time..

Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Well it flew by, the 2 hours assisting Alma my friend with the big A.  The art project was definitely the reason, which was filling in a series of wavy segments with different colours then when one joined the sections one would see a lovely blend and combinations of color.  Alma who at one time was a draughtswoman in her former life (i.e. before retirement and the awful alzheimer's disease)cottoned on to this easily, finding just the right combination of colours to make her project interesting.

As usual we did take time out to have tea, look out at the lake, comment on the trees, birds, cars read some of an article in the National Geographic.  Alma still reads, what she takes in is another story...At one point we were reading about Orca whales having a "feeding frenzy"...when I read it she thought I said "feeding friends",  "no dear she said that word is "frenzy", I said  - what I wonder is frenzy.she just looked at me and said "oh kind of a mess"...well somewhat I was an uneventful but lovely time, and leaving Alma was quite simple as she had to be toileted, and I could leave easily, putting the Easter Egg I brought on her bureau..and thought well another interesting I always enjoy the people we are with and especially Alma...

Last week during our conversation, I mentioned her daughter Jackie, she said "are you talking about my Jackie",  and was so "on target", but this week, when Jackie waved to her ...she said, "now tell me dear, just what is that girl's name"...this is the heartbreak of Alzheimer's, In any case the heartbreak is there and the problems with this I took a picture of

      The Ten Commandments of Dementia

1,  Realize that you do the adapting and the modifying of your response to the resident's behaviour.

2. Realize that You enter the resident's reality rather than pull them into yours.

3.  Realize that ONE size does not fit all, when it comes to what will and what will not work for each individual.

4.. Realize that approaches and techniques are not 100% failure-free and that you must learn to be flexible.

5.  Realize that success means adapting the task to whatever the individual's highest level happens to be.

6.  Realize that the process is more important than the net result, and celebrate that process regardless of the outcome.

7.  Realize that you need to "do what it takes" when the tried and true methods have not been effective.

8 Realize that normalization is important in giving residents a sense of participating in their own lives as they see fit.

9. Realize that the family is an equal partner in the caregiving process and that educating them is up to you.

10.  Realize that through your caregiving, you hold the key to success of the resident's journey through this disease and that because of  this, you are a rare and special person

(Taken from the Methodist Home, Chicago, Illinois)

These Commandments are worth reading and using with so many who are going through this life as a person with "dementia", or the person who is considered the "caregiver"...

I'm planning to pass them on to the people in charge here at my own Residence....I hope the reader finds some worth  in these words not only with dementia patients, but with so many others who deserve respect and help.

Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Wednesday April 12, 2017..Little late posting this week, but I did get to my Monday visit with Alma, and what a beautiful spring/summer day it was.  Although we did a little art...coloring in pre drawn was just too lovely out we went.

Alma in a wheelchair, and me pushing it along.  Once we were outside I realized that it was kind of hot for Alma's head so I put my peak cap on her..(I need a peak - having crappy eyes) she was so pleased fixing it in a jaunty style over her eyes.  So we wheeled our way around the courtyard stopping to talk to some of the other patients who were also in wheelchairs.  Alma would point the way and on we would go.  Here is perfect, no too much wind..try over there. Eventually we stopped at a perfect place, then I realized hey she is missing her cup of coffee..Asking another person also with a patient, I checked if she could keep her eye on Alma, while I rushed in for the coffee, so with coffee in hand, peak cap on her head and her white curls, she looked happy and jaunty as she looked up at the beautiful blue sky and lovely white clouds..remarking _"how beautiful "!  This reminded me so much of Mac, it is so perfect for Alzheimer's patients to be outdoors and enjoying they feel at home and I know rarely do they have a problem outdoors, their conversation may be sparse but it usually happy.

As I was wheeling her back to the elevator to return her to her floor, I was pleased to notice she was not complaining of pain in her hip, earlier she was and I thought perphaps it was her wheel chair and tried to find the physio without luck...but then remembered she should have her tylenol pill so checked that out and sure enough it had not been given at the usual time..So obviously it had taken it's effect.  Anyway, as we were waiting for the elevator, along came the deaf student from Mackay
to do her volunteer work. how pleased she was to meet us again.  Always a pleasure to meet my old friends and students from the days of teaching at Mackay..and always a satisfaction to see how these deaf students can cope in a hearing world..

Getting back to Alma I said to her, "Jackie will be joining you soon, but I'll have to leave"..I was so pleased to hear her say "Jackie" ,   My Jackie"   How good she was at recognizing and remembering her daughter, although it isn't always the case, I thought to myself, well Alma is on-target and perfect today.  As I thought this I kind of thoughtlessly started to remove her hat, as I needed it to go home,  Well, she grabbed it, and said "do not do that, it is my hat" You should ask first",   I said, I'm sorry Alma, I then said "oh by the way here are some cookies I brought for you.  The cookies were in a package and in a little bag.  As she grabbed the cookies and the bag I managed to get the hat.  Then said I'm leaving now, but will see you next week.  She said, "fine and be sure to return my hat to me before then."Well for sure nothing got past Alma that day.  I will put commandments for those dealing with Alzheimer's in my next blog.   I for one, after my this little episode, should take the commandments seriously, and remember to always "ask first".

Monday, 3 April 2017

April 4, 2017  Monday...Here I am back at the ranch, so to speak.  I've been with Alma for two different sessions now.  I'm always amazed at how she can make one feel so good...I know it's supposed to be the opposite way around.  BUT, how would it be if everyone said something that Alma said to me when I asked her.."hi Alma how are you" answer...Fine, especially now you are here"...Well it took me aback, but how sweet is that.
We then proceeded to walk to the windows of the Bayview Residence where she lives...everything pleases her eye from the trees by the water, to the light from the sun shining off the car windows, makes one appreciate life in general and one's good health in particular.
After looking out the windows, one this side one that side and one the other side,commenting on each little leaf, tree and reminding ourselves again, how wonderful it all is, we proceed to read the National Geographic.  Amazing how easily Alma reads does she understand what she reads, well yes if we go over it point to the pictures the words are addition and for sure its worth talking about.
Then it's time to do our art work.  Today's project was to paint already photocopied flowers (kind of from a coloring book) then to paint a little 3 d box to put at the bottom of the flowers...This was done not too enthusiastic  about it, but was done, lily with leaves, and finally a large zinnia...Her comments are always to encourage me to continue with my good work, It is supposed to be the opposite way around here so I kind of end up saying the same thing she says to me ,then I say  to her.  Such as, "well done", "you are really quite artistic"...She is always so quick to compliment my work, that it seems almost ridiculous to say the same thing to her...
How lovely it is to help someone so unassuming and so happy to see me...the only time Alma seems to get cross is when she decides something - such as a paint brush absolutely belongs to her,  no way will she give it up...but that is minor and soon becomes something she doesn't want anyway/
Then it's time to take her up to either a window on her floor so she can look out , or to her room to watch t.v. or to the main room with the others watching t.v., or listening to music.  I say "goodbye, see you next week"...Jackie will be up to see you...and the sweet answer  "you mean my Jackie", yes is the answer...
My volunteer work for the week with Alma is over, then the volunteer (my friend Harry) comes to get the volunteer, and I go home to think about Alzheimer's disease and the many who suffer this curse...I have put something on Facebook re the handling of Alzheimer's patients...not all are as easy as Alma, I know...but all should have visitors.
 Oh before I forget how lovely it was to watch a bed ridden woman, unable to talk, or hardly speak, twisted body (perhaps rheumatoid arthritis) , being stroked and kissed on the forehead by her husband...lucky her; how often this is not the case...she certainly did something right in her life,   Then as I was leaving to meet an old former deaf student...happy and contented visiting her aunt at this residence and telling me  IN sign language, I'm so lucky I'm able to have fun live a good life and enjoy friends...I help to feed the ones who cannot feed themselves...and proudly say "I'm a VOLUNTEER..

Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Well my life goes on in the Dementia lane, I'm still visiting Alma, as I mentioned in my last blog.  I'm noticing that she is still reading, but she finding writing her name now a little more challenging.   Our painting class was more of the same, which was painting on tile dropping alcohol on the work holding the tile sideways thereby  letting the colours mix into an abstract design.. Actually our first bit that we did last week looked great to me, but when I showed it to Alma to see how it looked with spray (a kind of shiny wax) on it, she said "I did that, well I must have been drunk" How hilarious, I laughed so much...she didn't find it funny in fact she was serious.

Anyway, our next attempt was beautiful, I thought..but Alma continues to try and make sense of it, by trying to move the tile around to see if she can see a figure or something that is appealing.  I said ' think that looks a little like a flying goose in the corner, she said "could be a flying anything"  ...Well abstract painting is not for everyone, and it certainly isn't for Alma.  But, what was for Alma was and still is looking out at the scenery from the window...while we were looking we noticed a beautiful carnation flower in a vase on the window to it was a tiny little bag with some polished stones.  I took them out to show Alma, and she said, hmmm let me see that.  So I passed the little bag to her and before I knew it she put a couple of the stones in her mouth.

Alma, I said, take those stones out of your will break your teeth if you bite on them, She said "no I do not bite hard candies, I just suck on them"//Well it took some time to get her to realize they were really not hard candy..she tried to convince me that they were, by saying it is just hard sugar candy dear...well life got a little bit hairy there, thankfully I managed to get them away from her, although when I left I noticed they were not on the window sill..Hopefully she didn't secret them in her pocket..if she did, I'm sure she will forget they are there..

It is such a terrible and sad thing to see this disease among so many here at the residence that I live in as each month one sees how much each of the ones I know have gone down in mind and body.  Not to mention how sad it is even among those who were o.k. but in getting old are losing physical abilities. Saturday one of the really "up" residents who always had a smile and enjoyed her outdoor as well as indoor activities, Collette; one who had all her marbles but suffered from Emphesema but still was able to go out,as well as enjoy the activities inside had died at 75 years old..  The family had a kind of wake right in our recreation was RIP Collette,.

Our good old table mate when Mac was still living, Alice,   is now also no longer with us.  I found out she had died 3 weeks ago, both her son and  daughter lived out west and in the time (over 3 years now) they have never visited,  Although I cried when I found out this sad news, I know she really wanted to go...her life was just one big misery.

My friend Hazel (age 91) and myself were talking abut Alice, and how Alice really wanted to die ..and so it was in a way a blessing...though I really couldn't stop crying for a bit there.  When a lady came and sat across from this time we were sitting in the big area in the lobby...this lady almost convinced us she was living here in a hotel kind of way, here about 3 weeks then back to Montreal to her other home.  Her husband was working and they took breaks and now she was in a warm place, a change for her and husband,  with some items from her home in her rental apartment here. I was just trying to figure out if she was thinking she was in a hotel or just what, when Jackie (on duty ) came over quickly, breathed a big sigh of relief when she saw the lady..  Then we kind of realized o.k. all this talk by her was fabricated...she was an INMATE.  Had a bracelet and could not go in and out without a companion.  And so it goes...getting old is as they say, for sure not for sissies.

Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Snow Day, March 15 2017

We, my two daughters and a friend and myself, have been away in Montego Bay, Jamaica, had a wonderful time.   Now we are back, and I'm back visiting and helping my friend's mom., Alma   Alma has Alzheimer's although it is advanced enough that she has to be in a residence with others with that dread disease..she can take part in an Art program.  This has been great therapy for her and also for me.  The various art activities, are fun, and although she never wants to participate somehow I always manage to draw her in, and in the end she usually is quite happy about her work, and although she compliments whatever project she has done, she always wonders who made it.. When I say Alma you did that painting, drawing, or art object, she always answers, "Well no dear, that was not done by me". I'd finally convince her that it was certainly her work, and it is lovely. "Oh my, she said,I did that well I don't remember"....I guess in the end she forgets that she did all those things, but while doing it, life is fine.

And so it goes, I'm still involved with the Alzheimer's Disease in a different way. But it is somehow a way of keeping Mac and his illness in my life...I get a satisfaction out of using the skills I learned over the eight years that we were involved in that awful disease.  This way when  I think, as I   aften do of Mac,  it was two years on March 10 the anniversary of his death, I dedicate my work and thoughts to him.  Although Alma does not have the same affiliation for me as Mac did, she seems to really like me and we do have a lovely time together.  

 In my last blog I mentioned I have a new man in my life.  Strangely enough we met in Church, I won't mention his name, but he came to church just after his  wife a died.  He wanted to be quietly in a corner and quite by accident he sat in the seat where I would put Mac as Mac not being  church goer wanted to be well out of the way.  I had brought Mac there so that he would be in the last row and well away in a kind of corner.   This man's wife had died, and I guess he thought going back to his old church might help him cope with his grief.  So there we were sitting together in the last pew...I noticed like myself he was not too familiar with the set up.  In fact he would look in the prayer book when we sang hymns and in the hymn book when we were doing the prayers, I ended up helping him in the books, and he ended up helping me, by driving me home.

He has become the volunteer for the volunteer,(ME)  He drives me every week to be with Alma and picks me up after the session.  He comes in at times to join us for a cup of tea and cookies, but like many people this is not something he would do on a regular basis.  To be with Alzheimer's patients takes some getting used to...especially when many of these patients are there with outspoken and various strange ways.. There is one who often says she will kill a person, and of course this is unpleasant, luckily Alma is quiet and unassuming but at times she does have to be on pills to help to quiet her down.- how this might happen is that the patient becomes disorientated  and frustrated.

So although life is not in the same lane as with Mac,it is a part of my life that I can't forget, and so I'm going to be blogging about Alma..and hopefully this will help others who have the disease

Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Wednesday, Feb. 22, 2017

I'm back on track, or hope I am,   I did write to say hello I'm back then did something and lo and behold lost my first's hoping this will stay and that you all remember me.  My older blogs were mainly about Mac, but as most of those who followed my blog know, my darling Mac died.

Now I do continue to see people with the big A.  Alma my friend's mom who lived in the Place behind this building has moved further, but I get to see her when I volunteer on Mondays in her Art Class. I mostly help Alma, but do get to give a hand to the others.  Amazing  to me is just how alert they are and certainly none have been aggressive or as far gone as some of the patients that are here on the second floor.  I guess they have been chosen for their ability to communicate and not become frustrated.  Certainly Alma is a case in point.  She may say, "No dear, I don' t want to paint, but when I pick up the paint brush and say, well this is what the teacher is suggesting we do...abstract work, or paint in a heart for Valentine's I will kind of do a few strokes, and then Alma seems to feel she has done some fairly good work.

So that is a part of my life,  BUT, there is a life after one's loved one dies, and ONE, has to try to continue on and enjoy the time.  This is important so doing what I feel is helpful, i.e. working with others, reading, - I now am in two book groups, my original one and one that just opened up at the Library which is right next door..Expanding my mind is the idea,  The only thing is my eyes are not the greatest, having macular degeneration  requiring me to have an injection in my right eye (wet type of degeneration) and the dry in my left, makes reading for any long stretches not feasible.

Continuing to do exercise, such as walking, yoga, zumba  and stretch exercises plus dancing at home all help I hope to keep me supple and active well...meeting people and doing fun things at the local over 55 place which here in Lachine is the "Tea Pot."..and going to here is the surprise   I've been going out with a man that I met at church...This part of the blog is to say how have I kept from getting too sad...Obviously I'm much much better..and so I will tell more about the new man in my next blog...wait for it...ha.