Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Another day another memory...Wednesday May 30, 2012

This memory came as we did our usual daily walk.  We could hear children out in the school yard playing at their lunch time.  This made me think of the news on t.v. and in the paper these days about bullying, so mentioned this to Mac.

 He said, I remember back in my days in St. Henri, we used to play on the street, both the French kids and English, we usually got along o.k. but one day a big kid came over from another street.  I didn't know him and at that time I was going over to get my friend Bob, when all of a sudden this big French kid started to walk along beside me, elbowing me and saying eh, eh, eh, the other kids were all watching us, and I realized he was spoiling for a fight, so before he could do anything, I just hauled off and socked him in the face  He was shocked and stunned, and ran off to his own street, the kids all watching giggled and looked happy about it, seems he was being a bully to them too.  I think kids have got to learn to stand their ground.

Well that's often easier said than done.  I told him a girl interviewed on t.v considered herself a bully,she said, you will probably never find a happy easy going kid being a bully, a bully is usually very sad inside.

Mac said well for sure this kid was not too happy when he ran away.

One other memory Mac this he says just about every second day, it usually starts with him saying...'we have been together a long time eh?"  I usually answer "yes, going on 60 years"  - his answer to this is "well we must have been apart for a really long time"..that's when I say, well really no, it's just because of your memory loss, you can't remember being together all those years"  then he says, "well we have kids ...Leslie, Gaye, Valerie, Glenna and Maureen...but today he added, didn't we have one that died?  Well No.. on thinking of this later  am wondering if he is mixing up our families, as my sister had a baby in 1956 or thereabouts who died, I remember she was going to call this baby Carla for my dad Carl.  We were all so sad and it certainly was a very emotional time and would definitely stay in our minds.

Some days I say do you remember my name,today  his answer with a sparkle in his eye..hummm  yeah  Tommy right? Then he put his arm around me and said, you are Janet... oh happy day.

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