Thursday, 31 May 2012


Not really a good memory item today, Mac not a happy camper when i go away, so since had to be away today..our walk and we did have that was a quiet one...I do have a good support person supplied from the Alzhiemer's Assoc. that comes for me to have respite every Tues, although she came today as i had to go be at a meeting.

Did want to mention  our cat Mischa..he is the love of Mac's life and Mac never forgets to check on Mischa when he is out on the leash..makes sure he is in before bed time and makes sure to give him his treats.  Recomment a pet for most elderly people, but for sure people with Alzhiemers can only benefit from pets.

For those who have responded to this blog, welcome - love your comments wish i could share them with Mac, but although he knows he has a problem he is not exactly happy to share the knowledge...
Many people think that Alzhiemer patients are off in their own world and do not know they have a problem - this is not the case with Mac...he knows.  Just as he knows he should walk with a cane...but will NOT.  
So onward and upward...tomorrow we bring the borrowed cane back to the CLSC, when we go for our walk,  Wonder who will be using it???hmmm.

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