Monday, 11 June 2012

Monday, 11, 2012. and it's HOT

too hot to trot today...but we had to go to our lawyer's office, which is a bit of a walk on a busy street, so went by car part of the way..all the way with this complainer...Mac.  The only thing lawyers want is your money was the constant refrain from him.  I explained, we have to get power of attorney for me, so that I can sign your papers etc.  This is important, look at the problems i had to find out about your pension, they told me I must have the power of attorney  homolgomated  - or whatever, so that's what we're doing.  Pure garbage, you have power of attorney said Mac, look at the bank they allow you to use my bank account, and don't forget that.  But it's not the same i replied, apparently this has to be done - for selling our cottages, or our house, it's really necessary if we need to do that.  Well we don't says mac, let's go home...

Anyway, this conversation in the heat, made us both hotter than h.  but who would believe the sweet person answering the lawyer's questions, I looked to see if I was still with the same man...ha.  So one more thing out of the way, and although it started out looking as if it was going to be a losing effort - not a problem.  We are set to go next week and he is set to try to sign that's good news, but will he remember...don't know.   Now i must remember to phone his secretary to make a date and time..there's always my memory too hmmm...

Mac's  only memory came up at breakfast, when looking out at all the greenery around us in the sunny kitchen, Mac said -we first had an apartment, then we moved here, right?  We had lived in two apartments before coming here, i replied,  the first on Barclay was a 3 and 1/2 where Les was born, then the second was a 5 1/2 on Bergevin, where Gaye, Valerie, and Glenna were born...and then we moved here, Maureen was born here.  Well this was a good buy it's great. said Mac..  And I agree...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jan,

    Thank you so much for doing this blog ... it does give an insight into Mac's mind ...and your attitude is so loving, but forthright, it is a good example for others. I might also share it, with your permission, but it is so much better knowing you both ..I can see you and hear your voices as you tell your stories.

    A comment on one post that particularly moved me - the one from June 1 - 'it is enough'. I tried to reply 5x that night on my tiny laptop in the Residence at Mt. Allison where I was attending Conference, but it kept disappearing, and so I finally gave up and went to bed. Hope this works today..

    I think Mac hit the nail on the head when you asked if he was sad about the 'wall' that he ould not get past to retrieve old memories. He remarked that you always have fun, that you love each other ...and that's enough. So beautiful to be able to let go of frustration and find gratitude for the day. We can all learn a profound lesson from his attitude.

    Each week, in church, we pray 'give us this day our daily bread' ... but we really don't get it at all ... always wanting more ... hoarding and piling up our 'stuff' ..much more than we need. Yet we are supposed to be satisfied with 'enough'. Enough for this day, this hour. Wonderful that Mac has got it. It is a good lesson for us all.
    I share this poem whis says it in another way...

    The Peace of Wild Things by Wendell Berry

    When despair for the world grows in me
    and I wake in the night at the least sound
    in fear of what my life and my children's lives may be,
    I go and lie down where the wood drake
    rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
    I come into the peace of wild things
    who do not tax their lives with forethought
    of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
    And I feel above me the day-blind stars
    waiting with their light. For a time
    I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.//

    Finding peace in 'what is' ...and trusting that 'it is enough'. Bless you both ...keep writing.
