Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Wednesday, June 13, 2012 Well here we go again

Busy day but before we got into it, while eating breakfast, Mac had a memory, he said "we were just at those houses the one above the other".  Well that took some thinking on my part, so said are you talking about last Sunday when we were up north at the cottages. "oh yes,  - the cottages are one above the other ...i guess so, i said,  as the land might be a little higher so one may be above, i said, but i kind of don't remember that.  Yes that's right says mac, we are on a lake there it's nice.  Well tried to discuss how nice, but he was not really into that just wanted to know, who owns them ...i said well they are in my name, who owns this house he said,  i said you do...So that ended that.   Guess because of the power of attorney, he is thinking about who owns what, and why we need to have signatures in case of selling our properties.  But can't always follow the thread of conversation as it twists and turns in different directions. 

Especially important today to get our act together as we had to be at the hearing aid specialists to have his hearing aid checked.  What a fiasco that was, turns out i had been putting his hearing aid in wrongly much of the time, also it was not working properly as wax had got in the hole or something.  When it was working  he went ballistic and wanted the G.D. thing out...The woman - Manon - was patient and tried to get it at a hearing level that he could stand, but for one thing he couldn't even stand his own voice - said it came through a fog horn..(actually i kind of found that funny- he did NOT).   I told him, you know your voice has changed, you sound older and kind of foggy..he was certainly not impresssed with that.

Anyway, we left with Mac freaking out at the noise the heavy door made when it opened to go outside, that did it.  We took the darn thing out of his ear.  Tonight we tried again, but the wind makes a noise, leaves make a noise, lawnmowers were noisy, and most of all his voice was not his voice i said look, we'll take it to another hearing aid specialist - one that used to do the kids i worked with at mackay - it's downtown, we'll see what the specialists there have to say, o.k.  If it's not good, well to heck with the damn thing, no hearing aid, fine...he is a happy camper so we've left it at that.

Wonder if we'll laugh at that some day as a memory, think not..g'nite.

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