Thursday, 28 June 2012

Thursday, June 28, 2012 A MATTER OF BALANCE

The day started out on a really bad note, Mac got up and perhaps moved too quickly,  lost his balance tottered toward the end of the bed and fell over backward hitting his shoulders and head on the small telephone table.  To say I was in panic city would be an understatement, but I reacted quickly, told him to lay there and not move.  Thats easy replied Mac can't move anyway.  So i got a cold cloth and put it on his head and just sat with him on the floor for a few minutes.  Then he proceeded to do his drill, i.e turn over, get on his knees,  I put the small vanitiy stool against the bed, and held it tight while he hung on with both hands and got himself up... okay this makes the fifth fall ...will have to talk to his doc.  Even if he had a cane, I don't think he would have used it first thing, but who knows, anyway, it's NO CANE, so didn't aggravate him any about that.

The rest of the day went very well, we did have a short walk, didn't want to do too much in the heat after his fall, and since I am so happy he is okay, I've done nothing but wait on him hand and foot, which he is lapping up...

Short memory today, he said, we've been so great together, before my gap in memory i remember you, I took to you right away.  i said well that's good coz I took to you too, said this with a laugh, no really it's true said mac, and after we had or I had this memory problem, I still took  to you...I really do it's so good.  I said well that is great.  Yes it's great to love someone he said, and I love you  I said it truly is good to love someone, especially since we're so together all the time, would be awful to be with one and not love that one.

Well that little love scene was short and sweet..he then mentioned his brother in Buffalo...which he mentions often, saying remember my brother had to work at Bell Aircraft, he was 4F during the war so had to have a wartime type job.  When did he die, yeshe died i said,  but i can't  remember the date..then he said,  remember how we went to Buffalo.  Well i guess this memory is from before the gap...we were very young  16 and 19 at the time, so that is  before we were married, then comes the big gap in his memory and we're in the here and now.  

In the here and now, i have to see what is going on with these falls.  I guess  as Mac says it's  a matter of balance.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear about Mac's tumble... surely a scarey moment for you. Glad that he's ok and that no matter what else is going on ... you two have lots of deep and abiding love going on.. ♥
