Saturday, 20 July 2013

Saturday, July 20, 2013 No one talks to me....

I'm writing tonight because  for quite a few days now Mac has been fairly happy, and stable, but this morning, he was getting into the depression mood, which always gets to me, makes me so so sad because  i can't seem to help he says over and one talks to me, i'm just a lump i'm nothing,and even more awful things about himself, but  then .my daughter Maureen called which was such a help, she spoke to him and as he continued to say how no one talks to him, she brought out some of the things he has done lately, and it was so helpful..but once he was off the phone he started to go down the same sad path..

.I was becoming a quivery crying person, trying to smile and tell him, no you are fine.....when lo and behold - Brianna called to see if she could drop by WITH FINLEY THE JOY OF HIS LIFE...they were on the way home from the doc's office.  Well how cool is that, when Brianna came in the door i was sure that someone contacted her to help us out...but apparently not....and from then on the day went steadily up mac played ring around the rosie with myself and Finley..he.trailing after her and watching all her antics, as she danced  to a cd by jeff healy,ran around doing her special stuff,  she is just the best upper anyone could have.  She cheered us both up so much...i can become emotionally  unstable at times and although i try to keep up my spirits, i can't explain how it happens, but sometimes i'm just not able to keep  myself in check, and it's right there under the who knew, not even me.... but by the time Brianna dropped us off near the lake, we were both on an even keel.

We continued to enjoy the day at the lake,then  shopping at IGA, and eventually eating dinner at our dining place in the building.  After dinner we were on  our sundown walk where -we got to talking to a little boy age 2 - named Sascha whose dad was pushing him on a  little swing at the St. Louis Village park..his dad was also talking to us telling us how he had lived here for 25 years...don't know how we got on the subject of his work, but then he said his dad was a denturologist here in Lachine...coincidence...mac and i somehow dropped his false teeth 2 nights ago and one tooth now has a broken tip,,the dentist gave us a card to the very denturologist- Sascha's granpa, AND, i had also passed his name to Alice..the 92 year old who was at our dinner table tonight can you  imagine a tooth fell right out of her the dinner table....can you believe, so just before our walk, i gave her the denturolgist  number and name - Dr. Acoca...and here was his son laurent, and his grandson about feeling eerie finally we're back home, after a strange sad, and lovely day,
mac is in bed, and trying to figure out just where he is so i'm going to join him and let him know...he is HOME, so g'nite...

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