Sunday, 20 October 2013

Sunday, October 20, 2013 o.k. let's just stay right here....

Weather and it's many manifestations, rain, wind, sun, snow etc...can really make or break our day...if it is cloudy and rainy, Mac who has a barometric personlity goes right along with the weather,,rain he is rainy and depressed, snow well that's not so bad.thankfully winter isn't here the sun is usually out and as long as we don't have too much wind we can still go for our daily walks...but today it was sunny but deceiving since we've been used to warm weather the cold wind really took us when suddenly the wind kind of stopped and the sun shone on us Mac said, let's just stay right here...and as we wallked along the wind would make the clouds go over the sun then away, and that was the theme over and over...each time the sun would shine on us it would be ' let's stay here...and he would give a little laugh. 

 WALKING   in my books is still the best therapy - we've been getting reports lately that some have heard that Red wine is good to improve memory for Alzheimer's and of course there is the one we've been using for a few years now and that is coconut oil, and coconut..although i dont always stick to that - and haven't really any proof, i figure it can't hurt so i do cook with coconut milk if i can or coconut oil depending on the recipe...someone mentioned there will be no research on this to see if there is any proof as it won't give the pharmaceutical companies any $$$...perhaps the Coconut Companies can do research is that possible i wonder???

We attended the Alzheimer's Cafe last Tuesday, The speakers - from CLSC and the A. Assoc talked about how  research in that field is now being directed to  prevention...a little too late for Mac, but something to think about for the family or others who may have the big A in their family...  The research is  being done at McGill and through Hotel .with a Dr. Gauthier.  The research also shows that only 5% of the people suffering from A  have it because of heredity....but  one of the speakers whose wife has A. spoke about how his two daughters and son were tested for the gene and are fine - they do not seem to carry the gene...this is when the woman who heads up the A. Assoc  quoted the figure of 5%...interesting.
At this time they are looking for people from families with A. to do tis kind  of work. i.e. testing for the gene and prevention..although i'm not exactly sure of how they will do prevention.

Mac was of course, really not paying too much attention, but one of the questions I directed to the woman from CLSC was how much training is required for the person who comes to do respite for care givers.  She answered one year, sppaently if i have a person  - which i do that is a friend doing this work, she can get the training through CLSC.   Respite for the caregiver, who is usually wife or husband of the person with A.  this is one of the most important points as many of the caregivers need care themselves  if they do not take breaks...adding that the breaks should be for at least a week to ten days every six months or so.  Baluchon Alzheimers is an organization to give respite, charging $15.00 a day.  This was news to me and another  surprising thing i learned was that the CLSC evaluation of the person with A. should be done every year..

I'm putting all this down for the record...also just checked with mac if he remembered what we did today...he thought and thought but when i said we went to hear a Baroque orchestra he said.  yes that's right....did you like it???i asked,   Yes,  he said but no additional remarks,   We also ate dinner in the dining room here with our two table companions  Alice and Edith, ages 93 and 95 respectively...they did their usual kind of snide remarks to each other...but it's obvious that they would be lost if they did'nt have each other to talk to or talk about...and so it goes...Think it's time now to do some of the crossword puzzle with Mac, he gives me a word or two or confirms words that I pick, and then it's on to some t.v. and bed, so g'nite.

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