Tonight while speaking on the phone, Mac sent me a visual message, he made the sign of yak yaking with his hands, in other words - stop talking on the telephone. So, I took the big hint, told my friend, Mac wants me to get off the phone, so speak to you later...When I hung up, he got out of his chair, and said, Someone is looking for me over there" he pointed to the window behind my head..'they are wondering where i am...Well i answered, i'll tell them when they call, that you were very tired, and wanted to get to bed.' That answer, seemed to be the right one, and so onward to brushing teeth, washing and getting his pills eyedrops and finally he was in bed, he was so tired his eyes closed immediately..
Looking back on his condition, I've been trying to decide just where he is in the scheme of the various stages of Alzheimers...and i'm finding that in many ways he is much better, although he does get very tired, needs to rest - especially when we walk in lots of snow..which i guess makes sense, walking through snow with big boots is not exactly easy for elderly people, so in his condition it's even harder, plus the fact that his perception is not always good, i.e. stepping up and down at curbs for example is often a problem- especially when snow has not been cleared away..but on the whole, he has a much much more relaxed attitude to everything, including walking, he is not so stiff or afraid.
The usual line about having a big gap in his memory - i.e. things seem to be there, but he can't grasp them...this no longer seems to haunt him. Now for sure, since I'm mentioning it, it probably will ..but there are quite a few differences that seem to be a positive difference.
Disturbing jolts of his body, especially during the night, no longer seem to happen, he has been sleeping whole nights through..approximately 3 or 4 nights a week. During our walks, he does not comment too much on what he sees nnow , but still can mention the main ones..such as the men who are bald but go out in freezing weather without a who go along the street with their coats wide open..people who are obese and his favourite - little kids who march along so happily in their snowsuits this last one makes him laugh..and really enjoy. So we still live i n "the moment" but our moments of discussion are fewer and further apart. He still puts on his boots -after not being able to for approx one year...this, for me, is a godsend, as it used to be such an effort and would tire me before i could put onmy own boots ..his new boots from Gaye and Val, are especially great - with velcro binding.
He has no interest in reading, looking at pictures, t.v., or movies, but he is taking a bit of an interest in youtube items that people send, today's was how starlings by the millions all turn and move in the same direction, seemingly one leads but who would know which one..they all land at the same time etc...sometimes it's to do with music...or animals, kittens etc..these he enjoys..but still the main interest is listening to music. jazz or classics.
Today was the monthly birthday party..a girl sang in French (mostly) with a man playing the accordian..interesting to see that Mac would do the same as he does at home when listening to music..he closes his eyes - and moves his head, sometimes his hands or his feet in time to the music and really enjoys.. So far so good, as apart from walking outdoors...and indoors and of course eating....this is the one real enjoyment.This is great as we still can go to concerts, symphonies and so the Arian Symphony coming up Sunday will be something we can both enjoy.
I've just finished reading Brain on Fire, a memoir about a woman reporter for the New york post, her brain caused her to have a month of madness the reason for this was something really rare, but now - especially since her case, more and more people are being diagnosed with - autoimmune encephalitis - apparently as well, many still are being misdiagnosed as many neurologists are completely unaware of this any case in one part of the book she states 'the brain is resilient it can create new neurons and make new connections..."How wonderfl it would be if mac's brain could make new connections..but apparently in the case of A..a plaque covers and reduces the brain... i'm beginning to wonder if somehow this new or seemingly new diagnosis and cure could help to find a cure for the BIG A...would that ever be wonderful.
Well, before someone wakes up - namely Mac - and starts looking for me, I guess I'd better get to g'nite.
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