Saturday, 12 September 2015

Saturday September 12, 2015 goodbye again.....

I have just buried in a shallow little grave, some of Mac's ashes. This time just behind the bench where we loved to sit to look at the lake. As I write these words, I'm sitting under his umbrella, lost mine at the Treasures Sale - today - at the Teapot.
It is misty and raining, joining the tears that I'm shedding. The ashes are almost depleted, I'm saving some to put beside the bench in St. Stephen's Church yard. The bench he would sit on, rather than come in to church. There he would sit and wait for church for Mac, till much later, or when it was just too cold..he would sit in the very last row with me.
This is not the kind of day he would like - but it's perfect for me, for the way I feel. I am alone this time and I'm wondering if the ashes I saved should be buried at the park in St. Henri, where he spent some of his early days...and perhaps also at the park on Mt. Royal...I'm not sure if I'll ever get there. So I'll have to think about that. Funny, the bench I'm sitting on has only one bit of graffiti, and that is the word T H I N K, o.k. I will, but later, as now the rain is really coming down, so goodbye again Mac.
These were the words I wrote after digging and putting the ashes in - then covering them with earth twigs, and a branch with berries..not sure what kind, maybe choke cherries giving the little grave a bit of colour..
As I walked home in the rain, I thought change your tears think about what to prepare for Maureen's birthday..tomorrow..It's a nice thought and an even nicer thought was of how we (Mac and I) planned her birth..I wonder if my deceased friend, Rita's son, Bryn knew how he inspired us - when he was just a tiny baby..After having three daughters, we thought..hmmm, maybe now we will have a boy..well it was not to be ..but we did have the most beautiful little baby girl. This little baby gave not only her dad and I such joy, but a baby that the whole family played with,and just loved...What a wonderful gift she was.. maybe I should put the story of how we planned each one of our children..that way I will be able to write without I'll THINK some more about that too. g'nite.

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