Monday, 16 November 2015

Monday, November 16, 2016 Words that haunt me still...

I have mentioned before, that Mac was a news hound - always checking the news, always watching the late night news, and reading every newspaper..and of course discussing the world events...not only with me but with his friends, who obviously didn't always agree with him. We all have our own opinions but today I was reading what Neil Macdonald (CBC) had to say - I could almost hear Mac's voice saying the same thing; and adding his usual saying "the chickens are coming home to roost"...

The following is an excerpt regarding what one should do about the Paris bloodshed:
"There is no Solomonic solution available, and, to make it worse, the brutal truth is that America's so-called coalition of the willing, which invaded Iraq on a false pretext, effectively created ISIS (which, unsurprisingly, has several of Saddam Hussein's former generals among its commanders).

The West sowed dragons' teeth, which grew into armed fanatics now bent on taking the battle back to the West. And ahead of them, massive rivers of miserable refugees are trudging toward Western soil.

We can pray for Paris to our hearts' content, and light up monuments in the colours of the French flag, and trade peace sign memes of the Eiffel Tower. But what Western militarism created cannot be sung or wished away.

As journalist Charles Pierce wrote in Esquire magazine the day after the Paris slaughter: "The retribution will be swift and harsh, as will the inevitable reaction, and as will the retribution for the reaction."
Hafez al-Assad and his Baathist colleague Saddam Hussein were both monsters. But compared to what the West unleashed on itself, they seem, in retrospect, like incarnations of stability."

He (Mac) and I should mention I, both agree with this summation..Obama has been on the t.v. another man Mac would watch..and comment on. I only wish he could, and I only wish we could have a solution as for sure bombing ISIS enclaves, seems to be the only solution ...really?? is there no way to bring stability by talking to ISIS at this there any way of talking to idealist on their side..apologize for our past and theirs...I don't know for sure, but bombing??

I have an mp3 from many years ago - Mac talking to his friend Owen in Australia (Owen sent me the tape)...Oh how he went on about the problems of the world..and Australia's p.m. at the time.Jamica's Manley etc....I have a problem listening as it starts the deluge of tears, so I don't..I have even given away all of his political books...also his many poetry books and the poetry and politics of Ireland...The discussions were endless, and it seems that these discussions now so fruitless continue to be so among us there is no quick solution..I can only wish..
Today I had to miss my "Politics and Poetry" class (McGill) I would have discussed the Poet Amiri Baraka (1934-2014) These are the last 6 stanzas from the poem Somebody Blew Up America

Who make money from war
Who make dough from fear and lies
who want he World like it is
Who want the world to be ruled by imperialism and national
oppression and terror violence and hunger and poverty

Who is the ruler of Hell?
Who is the most powerful

Who you know ever
Seen God?

But everybody seen
The Devil

Like an Owl exploding
In your life I your brain in your self
Like an Owl who know he devil
All night, all day, if you listen, Like an Owl
Exploding in fire. We hear the questions rise
In terrible flame like the whistle of a crazy dog

Like the acid vomit of he fire of Hell
Who and Who and Who who who
Whoooo and Whoooooooooo

Sorry I had to miss this class..would have been so interested to hear the remarks after this last weekend when Paris saw the devil.

1 comment:

  1. I was really missing my wife when she left me for someone else. I was weak to take care of some situations and i let her slip my arms. I had to talk to my partner at the office who recently got her husband back. She told me to get in touch with John Patience who helped her get her husband back with a love spell. I was very sure of this because John has helped my partner get her husband back. So i called John Patience and told him i lost my lover and wanted her back. He encouraged me and told me to be happy. He did his thing and told me my wife will be back in 45 hours. I waited for that time and my wife called me and told me that she has forgiven me and ready to take me back in her life. Since then, my wife and i have been enjoying our marriage with our lovely 4 kids. I am very grateful to John for what he has done for me. I'd advice you to ask him for help if you have any problem on your relationship and some other aspects of life. His email is :)
