Monday, 23 July 2012

Monday, July 23, 2012 Who runs this place?

Just returned home from our paradise on the lake, a quickie for a couple of lovely days.  Super weather until this evening's downpour, but whose complaining, the only thing is that quick visits make for a kind of disorientation for Mac.  As we sat in the sunporch last evening enjoying our grandson Olivier enjoying his eleventh birthday celebration with his brother and friends, Mac popped this question, Who runs this place?  There must be some organization?  Well yes, we run it, you and I, or I guess I do with the kids help I answered.

Well there must me more people involved..This didn't just get here with all this equipment ...Well it didn't just get here, it took many years, approximtely twenty-five or so to make these cabins, cottages, or whatever you wish to call them into our "homes away from home".  Do you remember when we were at your sister's place across the lake, she died and your neice asked us to be legal tenants, that's how we became cottage country people...something we never wished to be ever.  Oh yes Mac said, Violet's place was not on the lake so we wanted to buy a place right  on the lake.  That's right, now you've got it...I replied.

Yes but how did we get into such an organization...No organization, we found these places with Bruce, Jean, Bob and Rose, many years ago when we were walking around the lake.  Remember buying the houses from Mrs Marin, how she loved our large family, if she could see how large it is now, she'd be delighted - and how we have all enjoyed so many wonderful days in her home away from home, just as we are doing today.  Mac looked at the electrical fixtures hanging from the cathedral type ceiling..well who did that, and who bought those, we did Mac, but anyway, the subject was almost beyond his comprehension, and so as he tends to do when this happens, he ended the subject with - 'well it was all hundreds of years ago',  well not quite it was more like 26 or 27 years ago, mmmm he said..well I'm off to bed. 

It was a kind of wakeful night as our sweet little Finley was also disoriented in a new place, and so was Mac; asking me questions during the night - such as what's out there, my answer, the living room and kitchen, - but finally both he and the baby settled down, but somehow, i couldn't settle.  We've had so many many summers - looking at scenery that is beyond belief, that it was almost too sad to contemplate that he couldn't remember.  BUT, the loons did it.  Sitting on the deck today, seeing the mom, dad and baby loon, brought back some distant memories of these days for Mac, and when I said, well we're going back to Chateauguay tonight, but will be back here at the end of the week, he replied, Great!!  And so it is.

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