Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Wednesday, July 11, 2012 Well it's o.k. now

Something that I knew would happen but had put out of my head did HAPPEN, last night, Mac sat up in bed, as I was bringing him his water and bedtime pill and said 'What's your name?"  Now he has done that in the past, but as a joke, which I told him having A he should not joke around, as it isn't funny, I get too nervous.  BUT, this time he was not joking, I could see that he really did not know who I was.  I'm Janet, I said very quickly, O.K. what is your last name?  Janet McConnell, this time a little shaky i put the water glass down, and the pill and said, my name again.  What is your other name?  I said, you mean - umm Mergler, then Mac said, ooohhh, right  - I said remember my parents were deaf.  Yes, yes, said Mac, I'm confused, I'm confused, don't know my own name never mind your name.  So he took his pill, and said, hmmm feel better now, I'll go to sleep and wake up and know what's what.  When I got in bed I said, are you o.k. now?
Still confused he said, but go to sleep and I'll go to sleep and I'll be o.k.

So am keeping that in my journal as I have to keep track of how he is - as the doc wants to give him a patch type pill if he is not in the usual way.  This morning I reminded him that he was not so on target last night - mentioned my parents being deaf.  He said, I remember seeing deaf people on the corner of Bleury and St. Catherine st. many many years ago.  They were all talking sign language.  Yes, i said my dad was probably one of them, he worked there at the Belgo Bldg. he was a tailor for Freedman Co.  and many deaf people worked in the 'rag trade' as it was called.  Then he said, well I'm o.k. now.  I remember your parents were deaf...that's right.

 from there he launched into how he loved to get on his bike and ride all the way to ine Beach on the lakeshore...and how he and his gang would sing and laugh - We don't care for all the rest of Canada we're from St. Henri. 

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