For those who are celebrating the 4th. hope the huge rain storm we got didn't rain on your parade...apparently it did rain on a festival parade in downtown montreal.
Mentioned the celebration and fireworks etc in the U.S. to Mac, somehow it didn't ring a bell - these special days and what they mean used to bring some reaction either to the day or the reason for celebrating Canada Day, or St. jean Baptiste - in fact anything related to politics is not a big subject any more. Although Mac rarely misses the news every night - he seems to be more interested in personal stories, i.e. those that are concerned with kidnapping, or murder, whereas, those stories were put on the back burner in the past, and the politics of the day were the main reason for watching the news. Now interest in any story is good, and helps to make the day interesting for him and of course for myself.
So I am choosing movies with a one thread story line..anything that has too many characters, or too many side stories are out....those are the sleepers. This is a big change, and so when I now say, o.k. this was the kind of movie which was very simple and uninteresting in the past..o.k. he will like it now. Though, he did like some musicals, such as Brigadoon, Mary poppins decided to show the movie Blue Skies, well kind of a sleeper for me, but we are now actually watching approximately one movie a week, which is a nice break as for over two years he has not watched anything other than news and train movies. Will look for others on the same idea -
He knows his memory is the pits, and at times seems to realize just how much he is missing, that is sad..and I commiserate with him - think this helps - we do not try to hide this from each other it's there. As far as his falling and at times feeling weak, we face this as well. Today he said, I think my days are numbered, this because he could not sit on the grass near the river, getting that low would cause too much of a problem for him. He could only stand and lean against the tree where we were - whereas, i was sitting on the grass easily - I really felt for him and just answered by saying, everyone's days are numbered, let's be happy we're still here.
As we walked past the place where we have put our names in for a 41/2 apt. we met a person who we know who lives there, she was pushing her walker along in the heat. I asked her how she was and did she still like the place. She answered 'very much so', then i asked if she uses the indoor pool , well apparently she doesn't swim..but that is one of reasons I like this place - so while our days may be numbered, we still have a choice, and we will certainly have to think on this. to move or not to move. And just what are our choices.
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