Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Tuesday, July 3, 2012 Appreciation Day

Just when I thought the memory well had run dry, Mac was relating all kinds of memories over his breakfast this a.m.  It started first with his litany of our children and their names, Leslie, Gaye, Valerie, Glenna and Maureen, in that  order.  This time he said, i say their names all the time, but it's hard for me to see their faces, but I know we have good kids.  We're lucky a good family, i see a big gang somewhere.  I said, maybe it's all the family our children and their children...yes probably he replied.  I said we usually see all of them on birthdays. mac continued with   Yes and i see the pictures of my family, they are long gone.  My sisters, and my brother.  Your mom and dad, they are gone too.."

Then he said, "but we saw the little baby yesterday. ( Good a recent memory. )  I reminded him that little baby was Finley..Oh yes, Finley, she is wonderful, said Mac, yesterday, she smiled and smiled and laughed.  All I have to say is Hellooo  .. now whose baby is she..." She is Brianna's baby, remember Brianna is Valerie's daughter, and our grandchild.  ...well maybe a little complicated, but he said 'right'...and that baby is terrific.

.These days (although rather sad for me)  that he always thinks we have been apart, and then how wonderful that we are back together.  It somehow makes it something he just appreciates so much.  For example he thinks i work so hard, he loves me so much for that and for what I do...He is happy for the most part and rarely complains. 

Although he is never sure just what's going on, and especially in the night, ....are we alone, are we in our own house and how many are we...are the questions he asks - then he settles down and sleeps soundly. 

Today our support group met for a picnic in the park, ; Alheimers is such  big part in our   lives, we share our thoughts and for this and for my happy husband  I appreciate.

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