This is the time of questions, early in the morning, then after dinner....during the day, we're busy, and we seem to get to various places, or have company. Today a company day, enjoyed our friend, and had a great lunch ....mac interacted with her and she found him to be on target in so many cases, and funny at times as well.
Evening and the questions start with - i have a question for you? Didn't i have a sister Mac, I'm Janet, and you had 5 sisters, their names were starting from the youngest, Florence, Violet, Gertie, Maimie, Muriel, and of course your brother John. Well who are you...I'm your wife, remember? Now what's my name, ...Your name is Janet, but I'm Gordon McConnell, oh you are Janet McConnell, - Yes mac - i'M YOUR WIFE, JANET. Wait now, do you have a record of that...Well let's go for a walk and talk about it, didn't we go for a walk today... yes mac we did, we're going again..(this I find a good distraction) The distraction did not work, we walked for about 45 min even took in part of a girl's baseball game, but the questions continued...When did we get married, and so on. We have kids??? I answered all questions, and he would say, o.k. but ten days ago, did you know me, or did I know you...who can help us. i should mention sometimes in all this he gets really funny, can't remember the jokes but thankfully they are there BUT.
This is very sad and upsetting for him, he said, I hope I sleep and don't think about this all night...well I certainly hope not...he is usually a good sleeper..we'll see. now he is prowling around up here checking the bed room and myself, and of course the cat. When are you going to feed him, i said 10;00 p.m. as usual..
Well life is not perfect, and after seeing the friend whose husband is in Champlain Residence ..and how lonely she is and sad, I am definitely his wife, and happy to be so..we'll have to just live and enjoy the good moments, as I'd rather have him right here....g'nite.
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