Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Wednesday, August 22, 2012 i'm ok now

Good day for the most part...visiting our lil greatgranbaby..Finley made it special, even though poor sweetie was not well, looks like a summer virus so the doc says...hope she will be better soon.  This a.m.  she was the one name he could remember - always with so much happiness. 

As usual our walk always gives us both so much pleasure, and especially with the weather  perfect; but we met a friend whose husband was one that Mac used to know, this man was with Mac in high school, and it used to be a treat for both to talk about those days..but now it seems that neither would know each other.  This woman said he is now in Champlain Residence, has Alzheimers - and has very little memory, although she says he remembers her most days - she visits him evey day.  I thought that Mac might comment on this as he said he vaguely remembered the man's name, but it soon faded from his mind.  BUT not from my mind, she was crying as she hugged me goodbye, and when I asked if she had been to a Support group through the A.  assoc.  answered no.   I will phone her and give her the info as certainly the A.  assoc is a must for all who have anyone with this disease in the family or among their friends.

Just having the brochure  Dispelling the myths re; Alzheimers is one of the benefits.    The followng is one  myth that is dispelled -   Alzheimer's disease is preventable,  Reality - there is no single teatment, but the growing amount of evidence that lifestyle choices that keep mind and body fit help to reduce the also i feel is ...keeping active while having the disease is a great benefit...our walking and talking helps both of us and this fact is also apparent to the doctor - who has mentioned that Mac does well with this regime...

Anyway, must go but a short spell of confusion only this evening, and then Mac said 'i'm o.k. now, wonder why i get these spells", - well we know why...g'nite.


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