Monday, 16 December 2013

Monday, December 16, 2013 It's bloody cold.....

And so it was, mac said it like it was - really cold, as we went out for our usual walk, but didn't get too far, as although the snow has been cleared off the sidewalks - the really good thing about living on a busy street - the snow gets cleared pronto...Mac moaned and groaned about how cold it was on his face...actually the sun was great and he was dressed so warmly the only place he could feel the cold was on his nose and eyes, as i had put the scarf up high and he had a helmet type lined fake fur hat....of course i was also dressed warmly and really enjoyed the short walk...but that is all it was - to the shopping center next door and back.

This was a stay in or a nothing going on day, but with Christmas cards and buying gifts i thought at last I could concentrate on trying to see if mac gets it..Christmas  ...that is...Well it's hard to he certainly joins in when i sing Christmas Carols, and even makes fun of them...i try to see if talking  of Christmas when he was younger would trigger some memory, but no, that seems to be really gone...

Watching a little boy smile for the camera on Santa's knee...this usually would bring some comments, but he just said 'cute"  and then come on....we don't want to be here all i'm finding his curiosity and his interest in what's going on is slipping away, and the only thing still there when we walk is his love of the beautiful it is...this is also the case here in the apartment....the new little tree all covered with ornaments and tiny lights....does nothing for him, the cards and the decoration in the hall, again no comments...but the sun going down making the sky all shades of pinks and rose...that drew comments as it does every night.....and in the morning as well as he eats breakfast...

A typical day today, with giving him directions to the bathroom and helping him when he needs it, answering his comments on who lives in this house, and who owns it, and isn't this Chateauguay, and wouldn't it be good to be in St. Henri..and of course the usual, I don't have a cent...i wonder where i can get some money.looking for his mom..visiting our friend who is feeling much better,  to say goodnight, and watching 'the voice.' in fact listening to music most of the about the best stimulus ...but it's always a delight when he does reacte and say appropriate comments, and so when we were at our friends room, i was yawning....he said,  o.k. let's go time for bed...' i was thrilled, an absolutely on target thing to say...and so it is time for bed.....for sure now...g'night.

1 comment:

  1. I've just read the December blogs, I love to hear your news. Best wishes, Merry Christmas which will soon be here. Hugs and warm wishes.
