Sunday, 8 December 2013

Sunday, December 8, 2013.. you're looking a bit fat....

In answer to the emails i received re; my bad day, here is an answer to one that kind of covers how it is now:
Thanks for your emails, i have been meaning to reply and in one of your emails you mention that you wonder how i get time to true..and when i do i take my book in with me....don't get time to read the newspapers or books until mac's in bed, it's crazy as he really doesn't push me to give him attention, but i feel he needs to have attention otherwise he sits and veges and i need to feel that he is in the here and i try to read him stuff, hold his hand and dance to the music we listen to, especially the blues at night on cbc...hardly watch t.v., tho try to see the big bang, as its one show i get that's kind of fun...
What's kind of sad is he doesn't really feel any kind of link to mandella, and we used to support the ANC by buying badges...and contributing to the cause, we still have a badge with mandella's picture when he was young with Free Mandela, and another with Combat apartheid,in two langages on an ANC flag...
Though he is aware that our friend from downstairs that we used to visit for 15 min every night is not there,  (she is in hospital still and now has pneumonia) strange though he always says - he is not in his room, i say, mac,  SHE is not in her room. then he says oh yes she's a lady...sometimes he really gets the gender of people mixed up.....especially if they wear pants - have short hair,  even myself, he will say you ARE a girl right?
Anyway, i am o.k. now but it was sweet how he would say every 5 min after i returned  'what happened'   i'd tell him and then he'd ask again, until I said...o.k. i'm fine, no more saying "what happened...'just hug me and then we'll have some flat ginerale'
Right now i can't have anything sweet i've just had a root canal yesterday..and my mouth is still sore,   well it's 10;25 p.m. - will hop in bed and read my book...Brother I'm dying by Edwidges Dandicat...haitian american writer...2 of our people for mac are Haitian, but since they read only in French, they can't borrow the book....
Well did hop in bed, and just finally falling off to sleep when mac woke up with saying its 757, i said no it's 12:30...then realized as he started pounding the bed, that he was asleep - or sleep talking and up but not "with it"
That continued as he kept saying "Jesus, then jesus christ and over and over, and then if I said look things look better in broad daylight, lie down and try to sleep, he'd say WOULD YOU decided i would and finally he lay down - went back to sleep and I lay awake till after 3;00 a.m.
But all was well today, a glorious sunny one, so we went for our walk for an hour in the sun...with mac fairly on target,...and after dinner tonight so on target that he said   'hey you're looking a bit fat..."  well guess whose in trouble now...ha.
So the person that's looking a bit fat, will jump in bed with skinny, and hopefully skinny  won't be taking the lord's name in vain in the wee small hours  or fatty will be upset..g'nite. 

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