Last night ...' we had just picked up our mail, and i mentioned to him that it was from revenue "Quebec' - and also mentioned it was income tax time . Then when we went in to say goodnight to our friend down stairs near the mail boxes she asked how we were and what's new etc... and then...we spoke about income tax etc....and that Mac used to do the income tax for the whole family, plus some our friends, and also was a volunteer to help people at the CLSC who didn't know how to do their income tax..' with that he really perked up ... The words "income tax' is i think is what spurred him on to saying "there is always this gap....he was searching for the more words and came up with ' I really know there is something i do ...and somehow i can't put my finger on just how and what i should know; it's strange and i know there it is there...
Our friend Muriel looked at him and said ...'oh'...and he continued until he had repeated the same words over and decided time to leave, as she was beginning to look too sad, plus it really was time to go upstairs.
.tonight it was "where are the others and when i said, we're IT you and i...he was looking around, and saying now where is Janet.. my wife...Well that was he doesn't always associate the word Janet as his wife's name, so i was happy to say, i'm janet your wife....Oh that's good says mac...well it sure is..
we've had a great day, and i reminded him, it was sunny we went for a walk right down to the lake....we've had tea and carrot cake at the Teapot...(our local over 55 club). It was such a change after the grey and cold windy day yesterday...we could have stayed out forever...but then we really bundle up...I make sure we're warm, and we take our time, and walk slowly and enjoy. BUT sadly he didn't remember the day, and the fun we had - the jokes he just says off hand - that make me laugh ...when we returni remember none of them. (damn)
My friend reminded me of one the other day, apparently i said to him "mac you have lost your memory, that's your problem...he answered, 'memory - what's that'/// and so it goes...we have to live in the present, in the moment and sometimes it's not easy...but there it g'nite...
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