Thursday, 2 January 2014

Thursday, January 2, 2014 You'll just take off in a car......

As I was giving Mac his bedtime pill and patch..all of a sudden he decided "no don't think I'll get in bed yet", surprise, as that's where he just loves to be at 9;45 p.m.  I said, "do you want to listen to music while i go on the computer then....well yes that way I can check as you will just take off in a car - and leave me alone. " Well that was sad, as that's exactly what I did today for all of 10 minutes,  - surprise he remembered, and kind of connected....actually he always wants me to leave him alone rather than have someone stay with him  - and i do at times but only to go to put clothers in the washing machine nearby in the  hall way, but i guess this was too scary so I won't do it again.

one of the friends through the A. assoc. that meets with me is having big important problems re her mom with A. and so i replied to her email - she and her bro  want to do what Mac and I have done for their parents move to a place like this in Conn. but apparently doesn't seem to be a similar place ...this was my reply

Sorry about your mom, this is so hard on the family and of course
particularly on your dad and then on you and your brother as to just what
can be done my son came to install a door hanging thingie he gave
us for Christmas so that i could put all our boots and shoes on it - taking
up less space.  works pretty well,

while he was here took advantage and went to get our grocery order as mac
has a cold and the temp. is really too low to enjoy a walk....would have
loved to just dwaddle around the grocery store but i was on a time
limit..what a drag running around with my stupid list...then when i called a
taxi they said 15 min wait was the walked home fast and
freezing....but better than having not going  at all i guess...

 this is the problem for my son as well as i could tell that he didn't like
having to make me rush...he said 'will try to do this more often so you can
get some down time ...' but i know it's not about to happen too soon, so not
going to get excited about it, lucky he was here today..anyway...those are
the kind of things the spouses and children go through and that's just a
minor problem, the major ones we won't go into here....

What a sad diseasse this is and how it does impact the whole family..but.on an up note
a friend in Australia sent us a surprising gift...he and my husband used to
send taped comments rather than letters to each other - anyway, he managed to
put a tape mac made in 1987 on an mp3..and sent it to us by is so
remarkable to hear how articulate and amazingly on target and so
knowledgeable about world events, as well as  in Australia canada and the U.S.
mac was at that time  and then ending with our purchases of cottages up north and
upcoming birth of one of our gransons...i just wept inside, but it's a
wonderful gift and certainly a wonderful souvenir of a happier time....

Well i sure hope there is something that  can be done to make life easier
for your dad mom and the's really imperative...

have a happy new year ...enjoy the good moments...

and that's the most important thing for all of us in 2014 enjoy the good moments...even though the memory of my going was not a good one, it is a memory so it shows he can still be on today when the nurse came to take his temp.  he noticed mac's pic where he is posed with his lacrosse stick -in his lacrosse stance etc...and said, " you played lacrosse that game is worse than hockey...'  Mac did not make any rebuttal...which really shocked me as that is a real constant memory - or was - usually he would say 'no way, in lacrosse it's different etc etc...he just said,'oh is that me' in a way - missing me was a good moment...he is in the here and now will be happy to see me come to bed, and i'm on my way...g'nite...

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