Sunday, 5 July 2015

Sunday, July 5, 2015 Surprise - Happy birthday.....

Have a correction to make, I had written that the inscription on the ceramic box that holds Mac's ashes has his birth date as January 30, 1930, that is an error, his birth date is actually January 13, 1930...
Glenna spotted the mistake, thus making me really think about His birthday. Birthdays are always cause for a celebration in our family, and, in particular, two celebrations of Mac's birthday which were supposed to be a surprise.
The first was when he was twenty-one. We had been going out together for about three years and in those days twenty-one was the big one.. considered to be an adult. In many cases, whoever was having a twenty-first birthday would have a special party, so I decided that it was time for Mac to have a Surprise Party..
In many of the surprise parties we had attended, it seemed that the person that was supposed to be surprised always seemed to know - so I decided no way. This was to be a complete surprise, and it was, though not exactly a happy .one ..
We had planned to go to the Seville Theatre..the star of the show I think was Johnny Ray, the Seville used to have some headliners, I remember seeing various singers of note, although strangely all I can remember was the one who used to cry when he sang...who on earth was that now, I think it was Johnny Ray. He sang the little white cloud that cried or something...anyway I digress.
The guests were all in cahoots and managed to be at Mac's home for 8:00, we at the same time were on the way to the theatre. When we got to the door of the theatre, Mac all keen to see the show was ushering me along, when I pulled my little stunt. I said, oh Mac we have to quickly go back to your house (I had been there for supper and the theatre tickets were to be my birthday gift). Why, he said crossly, I replied I've forgotten my glasses .. Having myopia means that movies plays etc. are a blur without my glasses...and I've always made sure to have my glasses in my purse. Well that was a real shock to Mac, WHAT, how come you don't have your glasses?? I said, I think I was looking at something or other an way, I don't have them we'll just go back to your home and get them.
A very very grumpy Mac, and I went back by taxi, although we had gone to the theatre by streetcar..His mom and family were in on this, so his friends were waiting. ...We were to be twenty in all. So this having a crabby Mac, didn't bode to well for a fun start..I should have realized that not only was he grumpy that we were to be late for the performance, but he was also going to miss the whole show, for something he has never thought too much of..which is Surprise Parties.
So as we were going up the stairs to his home, I tried to be very up and cheery, which went over like a lead balloon, When we finally opened the door and our friends yelled Surprise.Happy Birthday, .for sure Mac was surprised..happy well I don't think so....instead of looking all happy at the surprise, he looked completely ticked off..
Thankfully his better nature took over, and all in all it was a fairly good party..We all danced, sang, and the guys drank beer and the girls drank rum and coke. I remember we had a game of slow dancing trying to see who could hold an orange between our heads right through the music on record...We did the limbo and had some prizes, and in the end Mac enjoyed. Though I must say, both of us at the end said we really kind of wished we had gone to the theatre. Did we go to the show the next night, I really don't remember just remember the kind of let down feeling at the beginning of the party..hmmm not so cool.
The second time he had a surprise party was for his 60th..this time our kids were the ones giving the party..and again I was the one to take him away and get him back to the house in time...I think it was at a dinner at our daughter Gaye's when the secret kind of got out of the bag, we were discussing different friends and activities when I goofed, and mentioned one of the friends would be coming to the party..I tried to cover up by saying - I'm talking about a party his family are giving. Well Mac didn't say a word, and I thought it had escaped his notice, but no way. When we were back at home and in bed, he said. "Don't think that I didn't notice your boo boo...I do NOT want a Surprise Party. NO WAY. I said, I'm not giving you one, the kids are. So be a sport and let them. He said, Forget it..tomorrow get on the phone and have them cancel that party , and I mean it.
The next day, I called a couple of them and said, please phone the names you have and cancel ,I do know Les said o.k. and I'm not sure who else, but when I called Valerie, she answered - NO, I've called all my people and we're still having the party. If he comes in and is angry, we'll just say, o.k. go to bed, or go and read a book, WE"RE having a party, it's our party, and we're still having it. So I thought OK, that' s it, I phoned whoever back and said, the party is still ON, whether he wants it or not. I'll take him out for dinner, and so make sure there are no cars around when we get home, we'll surprise him anyway.
So that is precisely what we did. We went to a favourite restaurant. He ordered his special that he usually got at that restaurant..think it was Le Sel restaurant - and he said, well I'm happy- no party- right? I said well no it's already nine o'clock, and we're having dinner...So let's have a great dessert, and after dinner a special drink , besides the wine- I can't remember - what he ordered, but he was relaxed and happy..NO PARTY.. When we returned home all was in darkness, except for Maureen's room, she still lived at cars..and as we came in the door. I just was so surprised myself at how quiet everything was, I was beginning to wonder if anyone was there, when all of a sudden all the lights came on, and a crowd seemed to come out of nowhere SURPRISE, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, i was just as surprised as Mac. We both laughed hysterically, and what a great party it turned out to be.
I remember Mac got some fancy red undershorts, and there is a picture of him smiling away with the gift of red undershorts on his head..Did he enjoy..for sure he did!! Lots of fun and laughter...a happy memory ...g'nite.

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