Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Tuesday, July 28, 2015... All's well Jan...

That's the news from my friend Lettie when she phoned me this afternoon. She was able to get a referral to a surgeon for the growth on her husband's ear . For those of you who read yesterday's blog, I wanted to pass that info on so, now that will be the next step for her husband Cliff..So as she said - all's well. and so it is with me though in a different way..and although also a sad thing, it also had to be done...and that is..

To take all my sweet Mac's clothes sort them and put them in bags for the nearly new place. I did this as fast as I could with Gaye's help and a big lump in my throat...She whipped everything into large bags, stowed them in her car..and now I've got these empty drawers...except for one drawer - which has a few things I want to keep to remember, and a few handkerchiefs - don't know if men use them anymore, but Mac would never be without his hanky, and now each night I put one under my pillow and before I go to sleep I kiss it goodnight. Don't know how come but it smells so clean and fresh just like he did, so lucky me still has a little bit of him with me still.

Tomorrow when we go to the lake I'll do the same thing or maybe some time later (why torture myself two days in a row). After doing that today I went to the lake right here in Lachine, where I met a woman who recognized me from the Tea Pot (55 plus club). She said she had heard about my husband's death, and though she had never met me to speak to me she always admired how we walked the path along the lake every day..I thanked her - and then she went on to say that she was married for 45 years but now divorced, I did not ask her reasons why, and she didn't offer any explanation but then she said..you will always have a memory of your walks together, and I want you to know that your walks together not only is a memory for you but for many of us - we would see you both and it somehow inspired us...you wouldn't believe how many people were touched watching
the two of you.

Well I said "thanks again", but somehow I wondered as we shook hands (her name was Vivian) then went on our way, how our walking along the lake
would inspire others, I looked at the many couples walking along the lake, and decided maybe it's because we were an elderly couple..anyway, don't see what was so inspiring, but I got a kind of chuckle as I remembered how a school bus passed us on one of our walks, and a kid yelled out "hi old man and old lady"..and Mac, stopped and said, "that kid better watch out if I ever catch him...what a nerve I'm not an old man"..you know I think he never thought he was old..now THATS inspiring...g'nite.

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