Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Wednesday, August 12, 2015...Some wise words ....

As I'm going through the many, many cards, letters,and messages of donations to the Alzheimer Society, I am receiving some help from the wise words I've received:-

From the Book No Death, No Fear - by Thich Nhat Hanh Buddhist Monk

This body is not me, I am not caught in this body,
I am life without boundaries
I have never been born and I have never died
Over there the wide ocean and the sky with many galaxies
All manifest from the basis of consciousness.
Since beginning time I have always been free
Birth and death are only a door, through which we go in and out
Birth and death are only a game of hide and seek
So smile to me and take my hand and wave good-bye
Tomorrow we shall meet again or even before
We shall always be meeting again at the true source,
Always meeting again on the myriad paths of life.

This and many other messages I received are really worthwhile, and although I'm not always sure about the whole piece, I feel a real link with the

I have been contemplating moving away to another residence, and have looked at several other apartments. Somehow it doesn't work, he is here, and as I wake up in the morning, walk through the apartment, see the wonderful windows all around (amazingly 3/4 of my walls are window from top to bottom) letting in boundless light..of which Mac commented on every single day I say to myself..why move, he is here with you; and even if you are alone the sunlight warms your heart and you can hear him saying, "Just look at that sun, isn't I beautiful." And it is..
The day before Mac died he was so happy looking at the sunlight that poured through the doors windows and huge skylight of our lobby, smiling and almost completely on target. Jackie the girl who was coming in for her shift on the front desk at four o'clock, said "I'm taking a picture of you two happy lovers - you look great" and she did. I love the picture as she sent it to me that night..although he is thin, eyes rather sunken he has a great smile and apparently that's how he was the morning he died.

Debbie his caregiver during my respite times, also loved this happy smile and she gave me a framed picture she took of us, it is now also my profile pic on facebook. For a time I could hardly look at these pictures or read the cards but I am moving on, and so...
I will continue to put some of the really different and thoughtful messages I've received on this blog..I hope they will help others as well.
One of my friends, Ron, from our support group, was thinking about a Grief Support group, his wife died...we will look into that. but in the meantime, I am using the messages and it has given me courage as well as happy memories...and so it goes g'nite

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