Harking back to his days in St. Henri is one of Mac's great obsessions, sometimes he says "well guess I'll go home now, have you got the car here?" To him some of those times when he says this, he means St. Henri, other times I'm not exactly sure where home is, and usually I can get him to understand that he is home - right here in Chateauguay, on Montcalm street. Today he was looking at his picture - the one where he is playing Lacrosse, that is a favourite picture and a favourite game for him...and while looking at the picture he said, Wonder where they are now?? Then surprise, he started to name a few of the boys in his gang...
Remember, Dickie Rae, Bob Painchaud, Freddy Hogan, Joe La Prestie, Earnie Jelly, The McQuaig family, Joe Taillon, Jim Stacey - and on he went, with names, and at times I would say the first name he'd say the last and vice versa, it was quite fun, until he asked that question...Wonder where they are now??? Well we do know that many of them are now no longer alive, so I was hesitant to go there. He said, - guess some of them are no longer with the living, but it was fun being in that gang. We had a great time - and Lacrosse was a great game, and now it's all over...
When he started to look a bit sad - thinking there was no one left for him to see, i mentioned our family, and that we just saw son Les and our daughter-in-law last night...'did we?" yes, i replied. he said, 'But, there is just you and i now..I said, well we also saw Valerie, our daughter - Brianna our grandaughter, and dear Finley our great grandaughter, on Friday..Well again Finley saved the day...his face brightened up as he said, she knows just what she wants, she can scoot around so quickly, she is so terrific. Thankfully her little face is in his mind and that way he comes back from the brink of depression.
Today by way of distraction, i tried to play cards, to draw, or paint, to play checkers, etc. but there was no way, the only kind of interest is music, so using music, we have been brightening up the day with walking to the beat of Rock Around The Clock...Johnny be Good ...and Boogie...He was great this evening listening to Randy Backman's Vinyl Tap..and then to some great music by Mozart..so it's on to the T.V. news, and soon it will be bed...Hopefully he walked around enough (in the house to the music) to give him a better night's sleep, which means a great night for me...last night was not the greatest..but that's the way it goes.
Should also mention his phone calls, i try to get friends or one or two of our children to talk to him - in case there are other's reading this who also have someone in the family with the big A. phone calls even though they may seem very one sided are so appreciated...someone actually is talking to me; says mac. Called Glenna to wish her a happy birthday, and asked her to speak to her dad. Well that was also a happy few minutes for him; as was speaking to Maureen our youngest.. hummm maybe should get someone else to say goodnight to him besides me....well mischa the cat will have to do...so g'nite.
Good advice. I shall call more often.