Actually had a bit of sunshine this afternoon, so saying a little prayer, decided for a walk, not knowing if it was too slippery or just what out there. Mac was all for it, until we started with the boots, scarves, jacket, hat etc. which had him kind of put off..but by then too late we were committed to a walk. Then when we attempted the two steps down to the driveway from the balcony, I wondered what I could have been thinking, but we were committed and we did it....Walking was not hard, although looking at big puddles, which Mac thought were huge holes in the road was kind of scary for him especially when cars were passing. So after one block he said, "we're going back and by the way how did I get to have you?
Well, that was kind of funny, as he said it with a crabby face, as in how unlucky is this, i'm stuck with you. Ignored the kind of insult, by saying," well you may remember we met at Pine Beach, and you and I really kind of liked each other, and guess what, few years later we then loved each other and got married. With that he, just looked at me and said, 'really, is that the way it was' - So onward back to the house and back to the steps, but we managed - and when we got in the door - Mac said who owns this place, - and back to those questions, and my usual answers of, we do and yes the whole house is ours. All this while taking off our outer clothes. We are the only ones living here now, our five children are grown up and married, have their own homes..We'll probably see them this weekend...remember it's Baby Finley's first Birthday party.. Well should have mentioned that name before, as his face brigthtened up.
So as he sat happily in his chair, drinking coffee, and having cookies, he said, "I want to thank you, you are a really good girl" - I said, 'don't mention it, I'm your wife, and love having afternoon snacks with you" "oh that's right then this is our house, and we are married of course" ..
.so it goes, his memory is so up and down, the rest of the afternoon was spent in trying to remember the place on the hill. Finally it clicked with me, he is talking about the cottages up north, and the man he is thinking of there - at first i thought it was our son?, our former handy man,Arnold? " but "no he has a house too..and he is close to me," and then i got the man's name, Bruce his good friend...Almost feel like i've won the lotto, when I figure out who or what he is thinking about.
We're upstairs now with the help of our grandson, and so i'll join him for the news on t.v.thankfully no more guessing games .. g'nite.
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