Friday, 29 March 2013

Friday, April 19, 2013 no you are not ....

A lovely day, with Gaye putting up some more pics in our new abode, and getting ready for our Easter with family....  Although Mac was not up to par for a good part of the day, but finally felt better after a walk around the lobby, and finally a walk around the block....BUT,  last night was a bit of a downer as he woke up from a - what i guess was a bad dream, with a loud scream that sent chills up my spine, - 'i said, are you okay....and he answered, WHO ARE YOU??      I ANSWERED, I'M JANET...NO YOU ARE NOT HE REPLIED.  gads, he sounded so positive, that i almost thought, o.k. who am i..but then i woke up completely and said.

Mac, you are having a bad dream, wake up, i'm janet, and i'm your wife, we are in bed, and all is well,
- after a few more back and forths, re; are you really Janet...and where are you/?  and finally, I'm sorry of course you are janet...and fianlly we were off to sleep....

Well while we were brushing our teeth, i remembered and so told him about his bad dream and how he couldn't remember me last night, etc.......he said, "gee hope I don't wake up screaming tonight..., i said right hope not...'   also i said i hope you remember who i am...he said,  for sure, i'll remember, you are George,
right???and then burst out laughing.  o.k. mr. joker, but call me George now, but please remember i'm janet tonight...he laughed and said don't worry, you are janet...

Well i really  know that he recognizes me as a main support in his life, it's not always janet, but it's someone that knows him and he knows's on and it's off in terms of names and places...but the underlying support and love between us is there, and that's what's important.  The same goes for his family, he may not always remember who is who, exception is the baby Finley, but even then sometimes mac will call Finley a little boy, but he knows he loves that baby and she loves him...this love permeates through the family regardless of whether he knows the name of the family member or's there, and i couldn't live without it.....and as for mischa, the brat cat, he knows him and it's a constant, and that constant is yelling for his special food, so g'nite...

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Wednesday, March 27,2013 Oh sure I remember

Today was my day to meet my support group, so Deb our new person to look after Mac while i am away, asked just where i was going.  Told her we were meeting on the lakeshore, which triggered a memory for mac, as i  mentioned that's where i met mac in  our days of hanging out at Pine Beach...Dorval, when mac and i were only 15 and 18.  That memory triggered others, and he said - Oh sure I remember, playing lacrosse, that's me in the picture, I don't think they play lacrosse anymore"   Debbie said, yes in Kahanawake they still play lacrosse.. and so the two of them had a conversation about those days when mac played for the Verdun - i think it was the shamrocks.

This apparently led to a very busy convesational day...while I was away.  So much so that Deb told me he even knocked his glass off the table in his excitement  of illustrating what he was saying with his hands.(thankfully it was empty and didn't break).  To see him excited and able to converse with others makes me so happy, as often his days are spent just quietly sitting or not partaking in anything really...when others are talking.- but one on one is good, so have to remember to place him beside some of the more talkative people in our Activity Center we're going for our first Art session

Yesterday was our first Yoga session, and what a blast - mac said to me as over 40 people filed in to sit around in a circle...'this is really not nice these people are in wheel chairs and they are all so old they can't do this..' I said "look it's chair yoga, they will use their arms, hands and feet or whatever they can' you'll see'
Well i feel bad for them.he said, ..but he was quite surprised as many of them tried and did the exercises with our fantastic teachers - must get their names, a lovely girl and guy.  Actually, it was a great workout, good vibes and yes many of the people there just sat and looked, but hey maybe they were meditating,   Mac on the other hand did participate, much to my surprise.  I didn't comment on his version of the exercises as it is quite clear he is with the right group of people...but how wonderful to see him try..and how happy he was during the session.  We will definitely go next Tuesday..

musnt't forget  to mention the birthday party for the March birthdays yesterday afternoon, Mac really enjoyed the ambiance and the cake and juice served by volunteers to about 100 people, the entertainment - a karoke singer with his guitar..this place has given us so much fun and much  to be thankful for...that i think I'll just list them and happily say g'nite

1.  The wonderful sunrise  that comes in through the floor to ceiling windows, first thing sometimes so pink going to orange I can hardly believe my eyes,, and of course watching the sun as it goes down...fantastic.
2.  Just flitting over a few feet to the washer and dryer across the hall, same for the recycling and garbage chute in it's own special room next store.
3.  The kind and caring women that take over Mac in the morning to wash and dress - same in the evening.
4.  The beautiful Elena - from Romania, with her fab smile, always there to check us as we go out and come
in, as we have to sign in and out,  interested and interesting she is a delight for both of us
5.  Louise the director, max, the head nurse, as well as "Sylvan the maintenance man, all  kind and although busy ready to stop and listen to our needs.
6.  The paranoia group who gossip together and always wish us Good day, bonne journee
7.  Muriel - who has rhumatoid arthitis so bad - she cannot turn pages of a magazine and sits in a wheelchair watching t.v., never complaining, always happy to see us..a lovely new friend.
8.  Carol the cheerful leader of the Activity  Center, advising us of the different activities coming up and inviting us to the one going on each day. 
9.  The staff, Allowing us to keep our cat Mischa although the lease says NO cats or animals.
10.  And most of all our lovely airy, and beautiful apartment.   so g'nite.

Monday, 25 March 2013

Monday, March 25, 2013 When was that!

One of the replies i received to my last blog was the following;-

Just read your latest blog..... Hope things have improved, or at least more
stable .... what a nightmare it must have been....

Another person thought it was quite an adventure but the answer to the above was

yes he has improved and YES it was a nightmare, althoug but for sure it was not what i consider an adventure fact woke up during the
night last night so often just to listen to his breathing...i think i was
writing the blog and trying to show it like it was, cat, nurses, firemen,
ambulance paramedics all over the place, but i didn't say too much how i was,
well in a word - basketcase - tears flowing down my face while i tried to
think. The most awful thing was to hear the first responders (firemen)
saying o.k. his eyes are open, oh oh there he goes again, Wait, Sir, don't
leave us stay with us STAY WITH US....and finally he did and said, what's
happening...Thing is, since he's home - he has been fine, no more throwing
up, even went to a concert which Jane was in mcgill choir - twas' i guess he made up for it by sleeping most of he
day away, we did go to Dorval shopping center with a friend, but even
there - going - there and returning, he slept the whole time, while the
weather, view of the lake and all were so beautiful... Showed him the new
sheets we bought at the Bay...he said - When was that - they're
Tonight he was great with the girl who get's him ready for bed, and now he's
watching t.v. Doesn't remember the day, but thank God, he's fine....
Think i'll use this whole answer for the blog, so you don't have to read are things in Edmonton. xxxxxxxxxjan

Saturday, 23 March 2013

Saturday, March 23, 2013 What's happening???

Thankfully that's the question Mac asked as the First Responders managed to get him to open his eyes and wake up...after putting an oxygen mask on him...this all happened yesterday i.e. Friday about 8;30.a.m.   Earlier in the night at about  4; woke up and was retching, and complaining his tummy was sore... I brought a bowl for him to throw up but he didn't do too much just mostly retched and I said, the retching made your tummy sore, so lay down and see how you feel.   Mac just groaned and lay down and went off to sleep, and I did too.  Then about 8;30 maybe a little earlier, I realized the person who would be getting him washed  dressed and ready for the day would be coming, so i tried to wake him up and said, 'hey mac, I'll put your coffee on, Vedette will be coming soon.  Well i tried and tried to wake him, but no way, he was in such a deep sleep, and yet one could hardly hear him breath.   Finally i managed to get the head nurse, a man named Max...he rushed in and tapping mac's face  hands and arms, but Mac just lay like a rag doll - unable to respond.  So Max called for an ambulance...

In no time, three tall handsome firemen came in, I said, wow, that was fast - is the ambulance downstairs, the first one said, no '-We are first respnders...and the lead one, administered the oxygen mask and in a few minutes, Mac like a sleeping prince....woke up and looked sleeply around and said 'whaaass happening' ,but could hardly move, then he started to throw up and throw up and retch...they had a bag ready...the two other firemen, were running around along with Max the nurse trying to get the cat to stay back so the stretcher or gurney that the para medics were bringing would not cause the cat to run out....I had tried to get the cat to stay i n the bathroom, but he managed to open the door.  So bedlam ensued with 2 fireman, a para medic and a nurse were all chasing that brat cat Mischa...i finally got him and locked him in the storage room.

The other 2 firemen, and paramedics got mac on the Gurney and a whirl of absolute blank headedness, i tried to dress, get food for Mischa, put on my coat and boots, as the paramedic came back to tell me I could get in the ambulance with my husband.....what a morning, but we finally arrived in the emergency room, i guess around 9;00 or 8' all happened so fast i couldn't even think about the time....while Mac continued to throw up in the ambulance and at the hospital...  The place was packed with people in different states of illness and broken bones...either in wheel chairs, lying on gurneys...or wrapped in bandages....and some were groaning...what a disaster site.   I didn't bring my cell phone, - what's new - i never think of it...and tried to phone from the hospital phone..finally got les on the phone and he contacted the others. 

Was so surprised that Maureen managed to phone ME at the hospital, and sounding very efficent kind of made me a bit calmer, so i was able to tell her to contact two of my buddies, Susan and Susanna to tell them .."hey sorry but lunch wouldn't be on today" then back to poor Mac, who had finally stopped bringing up everything he had eaten for a week...Two doctors actually an intern, and a doctor managed to determine that Mac had gastro....or a very aggressive stomach flu... and later in the day he was to have blood tests and xrays....

We all - that is all the poor patients and the people who were helping many of which got to know each other, as we were all so close - we were sure to get each other's germs so might as well talk about what we were passing around....Actually the two men beside me the one had some kind of growing infection in his arm and his partner was cuddling him and giving him some chocolate, and hurrah decided he should give me a little one too...while mac lay there sleeping by this time....and at about 3 p.m. and 4 p.m;  he had different blood tests, and by 4;30 xrays...all while various people groaned and moaned...and one lady yelled in a high blood curdling voice.  Bloody Hell and Jesus Christ, please help me.!!  the place became quiet for about 2 minutes, then everyone started to say how long they had been waiting, and that of course one had to be patient...

Finally the analysis of mac's condition was brought to our attention by the interne and doc, he had high white corpuscles or more than red, plus he had gastro, his xrays were o.k. and he needed to have electro something ..anyway, he is getting that through gator aide...and just then along came Valerie to save the day, Brianna and the baby Finlay were out in the car waiting, and so bundling mac up in a flannelette sheet with his socks on and p.j.s he went out in the freezing shouting and swearing and blaming the whole wishing he could zero in on someone to really blame...with the heat turned up to high...we managed to get him back to the apt. where we were met by Gaye and Bill....and who would believe, we all had a great dinner of salad,  risotto and salmon, while Mac had chicken with rice...and flat gingerale..

Then we headed to an early bed....and both of us woke up refreshed and the only way i could make mac believe he had been to the hospital was to show him the oxygen mask - now in the waste basket in our bedroom. and all the tabs i pulled off him much to his yells ...and the bracelet on his wrist....

So today, was great, with mac joking and happy, Josie, visiting, Gaye and Bill over to help us get a shelf and cell phone...apparently I MUST have that...or a better one than before, and so .here i am thankful to have my prince wake up, but now I must make sure he gets to sleep, but NOT stay asleep....g'nite.

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Thursday, March 21, 2013 Who makes the decisions....

That's what mac woke up saying, "who makes the decisions, who is going to play, i don't know when the game is....It took quite awhile to get him to wake up and know where we were.  I couldn't figure out just what decision was bothering him and just who was to make it...and he could not tell me.  When something he says comes right after a sleep or a nap, i always figure it goes with whatever he was dreaming about, but didn't want to say that to him as it seems to be a stock phrase now..well what a surprise, when i said, 'well i really don't know what game you are talking about...but do you need the bathroom, cause i'm going there...he said ' oh don't worry it's probably just your dreaming'   hello, that's my line there.
The change into day clothes and washing today was very difficult - he was not a happy camper and started to be aggressive, so Vedette our woman today called me to come to her --- i said - ok. never mind mac, you can dress  yourself in the bedroom,usually she changes and washes him in the bathroom; she came along and very carefully helped him with his difficult areas of dressing, even though he continued to be angry, and when she said i'm off for a few days...he said 'don't come back', she said, aw mr. mac, you were so good with me for the past 4 days...he said, well this is the end of that...
So breakfast was good, but he continued to be off target for a good part of the day, we had a friend come to see if she would be ok. to look after him for a few hours next week and he just kept talking about cars going by....but she still wanted to look after him next week, hurrah.  We all went for a walk together, then she left and Mac and i returned home where although he was more on target...walks do that....he had many questions then regarding this apt. and who gave us permission to be here etc.  So the move has obviously been part of his mix I'm just going to be patient ...after all i love the man and want to keep him with just read something that helps.....
LOVE is such a precious thing.
It’s fragile, and it’s rare.
It damages so easily,
So handle it with care.
It’s free to those who seek it.
There’s enough for all to share.
The more that LOVE is given out,
The more there is to spare
bye now...

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Tuesday, March 19, 2013 Wow lots of oldies eh?

This morning we did our usual jaunt down to the lobby to get the gazette and our mail...usual that is for the past few days as today marks two weeks of living in our new apartment.  As we walked to our mail box that was Mac's remark - lots of oldies, i said, well guess that's where we kind of belong, right, we're old too.  "hmmm" hummed Mac, looking around...'well maybe - I don't know"  At times it seems that the oldest and the most ill are down there, other times, there are staff and visitors and a little group of about 3 or 4 not too advanced Alzheimer ladies,  these ladies - i privately call 'the paranoias"  as they all agree that they are either being ripped off, someone is stealing their items, or the people that run the place are all crooks....i'm thinking of writing a book called "stories from the lobby"

We are only in the lobby for short spells, either to go out for our walk, (impossible today, too much snow) - pick up mail, or meet friends that come to visit.  But, even in such short times, it's not hard to hear these stories as the little group walk around and very busily talk about their latest problems in kind of loud whispers.  Altogether very amusing at times, but they seem to manage their lives and are able to dress and function on their own - i guess in time they too will have to be looked after more closely.  In mac's case since we were always together his  feeling of security is great, he knows he has his wallet, his bank statement, and his finances looked after by me...and he confirms this with me periodically every doesn't have to check with others.

A first for us was to have dinner in the dining room, this i felt would be a good event,since no walk and no visitors so a good change.  I contacted a friend of a friend who lives here to make sure of the protocol i.e. who sits with whom...she invited us to sit with her and her friend.. which she plans to leave for another table as she finds she has to do too much for this friend.  Well that was an eye opener, as her friend is going blind, in a wheelchair, and is extremely hard of dinner was quite an experience, this lfriend of a friend is full of beans age 94, sticks out her tongue at her friends at other tables,  sends kisses to others, and generally full of confidence and quite cheeky....her poor friend in the wheelchair when are you leaving me for the other table.  The answer, oh i'll leave when i feel like it....This must be kind of disheartening for the wheelchair lady, but then we are johnny come lately's and don't really know what's what, so we just stayed out of their discussion.

 Quite an experience altogether there, as we yelled our informatiion about our lives to each in HOW MANY CHILDREN DO YOU  FIVE... then for general consumption, comes out of the spry little lady SHE HAS FIVE CHILDREN CAN YOU IMAGINE THAT...

Throughout all this, Mac was sitting there quite happily eating away, not noticing anything other than saying when we, the people there sure are a lot of oldies....- hmmmm  g'nite

Saturday, 16 March 2013

Saturday, March 16, 2013 Oh i'm so happy......thank god,hallelujah

This morning the cat woke me up as usual to give him his brekkie, he usually meows around 8;15, he has a structured agenda..and it's hard to deviate from it, so up i got and when i returned to the bedroom Mac was sitting up and said 'who are you', i said, I'm janet,  "Oh I'm so happy, thank God and hallelujah, and he quickly put his arms around me and said come back to bed, which I was planning to do anyway, so he said, Janet don't ever leave i was so so sad....i guess he had a bad dream, he  couldn't explain why he was so so sad....but continued to hug me, and say - 'we're together forever and ever"....and it was so nice to have him so completely happy ...because, of course the mood can change ...

Gaye and Bill came to do some more setting up of lamps and help with gettting stuff from the locker, wonderful how we are settling in so well - which we know couldn't happen without our great kids and those two are such experts in knowing how to put up lamps, pictures name it. the others have put in the computer, phones ...t.v. - and bringing dinners like Val did last night,,,all have done so much it's beyond belief.
We went out for a walk,  to do some shopping, and check out our new neighbourhood.  One of the neat things we saw was a 'dog park'  - which will be fun to stand and watch once the weather is warmer....the dogs were playing with each othe, running and jumping around..We didn't go to the lake as the breeze was fairly cold, but were able to go to a different grocery store, and a pharmacy...naturally i forgot several things I needed, but the good thing is that i remembered to write my address and put it in my wallet, as I haven't got it commited to memory yet.  Good thing, as i had to show it to the girl at the IGA grocery, so my stuff could be delivered.  And good thing we didn't take a long route home, as the delivery boy was right behind us when we got to our apartment.

Then came the change of mood, since once we were finished our snack...  the phone started to ring, and listening to a one sided conversation, me talking - and since he couldn't hear the other part of the conversation it , was apparently driving mac nuts, and he said ....That was absolutely the most boring conversation, and therefore he decided he couldn't stand to talk to me, and as far as he was concerned, he couldn't be bothered with someone so left the room.  i couldn't get him to interact, listen to newspaper articles, or watch t.v. he just sat with his eyes closed. later he said, 'don't make me any supper'....

BUT, I did and the aroma of  l'orange loin of pork with garlic, drew him in...and it was back to hurrah, what a good dinner, and a happy camper, who is now waiting for me to come to bed, so g'nite.

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Thursday, March 14, 2013 This game is over......

That's what he tells the women who come to help, But it really isn't over, the game of someone - i.e . support people helping mac get dressed and undressed...and some days it is a fairly good game and some days it's the pits...

Actually mac and i had such a busy day yesterday that he and i were both asleep when the woman came today...she came back but even when he was semi awake he wouldn't move later she came again, and she managed, but it wasn't too easy - much cajoling and saying look just let me do put your shirt on for you ...he was too tired to do it himself for sure.  i was begining to think, oh just leave him in p.j.s but once he was dressed, he was ready for the day...even up to going out, and it was fairly cold.  So can never predict how it's going to be.  Mac's like the weather.

Mac's great barber came to give him a hair cut yesterday, and what a wonderful job he does, and as we were going down for the the gazette after his haircut, i said "hey  you look 15 years younger, he said 'feels like 15 lbs lighter ....'"  Then it was out for a walk to the lake, what a wonderful day it was, we were watching those super athletes windsurfing with huge kites, on the lake, wow, they must have really warm wet suits or whatever....and the weather was so lovely too. 

Today we just went a short distance with Mac cursing every car and bus that passed us stirring up a freezing cold wind.    As i said he is like the weather, blows hot and cold depending.

Dinner last night with our grandaughter Rosemary was fun, and with all the company yesterday, it was important to have a down restful time today...and that's what we did, short walk, and an indoor day with mischa the cat providing the running around after his toys with me in the lead...mac loves to watch him jump over furniture and do his circque de soleil tricks... but he is a serious cat now, he wants his special snack, so g'nite....

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Tuesday, March 12, 2013 There she is I hate her......

That's what mac says as he passes the woman who helps him dress and undress.  There she is i hate her,she better not come tonight or i'll leave....This is actually only one of three women who are trying to make my life easier, but instead it has become a big problem, and so to solve it I've decided to see just how much he can do by himself.  Amazing all the stuff he couldn't do - or wouldn't do, he is actually doing, his only problem is lifting his feet high enough so i can put the pants on each leg, then he pulls them up.....oh yes and his socks,he can lift his feet up and i place them he pulls them up; i don't want to have to bend and do everything, but a little is o.k.  I have to get my knee in shape so we can continue to walk.

Also, another surprise, we went to activity afternoon, something he hates activities with seniors, but no problem today, as we went to a syrup d'erable tasting on snow, and a little French  lecture on maple syrup..interspersed with music he usually hates French Western, where everyone jiggs  up and down, in fact he was clapping along.  Could be that he felt like a youngster, "look at all these oldies..says mac.(many in wheel chairs)  the last surprise was the friend we made - a wonderful woman with all her marbles, slim and fun, Age 101...So a perfectly good day after a nightmare one as i'm being bugged by the brat cat  Mischa for his snack, i'll say - g'nite

Sunday, 10 March 2013

Sunday, March 10, 2013 This is a crazy game......

Well it wasn't a crazy game, but to Mac this is what he said when the woman who came to get him ready for bed....she said....Hi mr. mac, i'm here to get you washed and ready for bed...his reply..."go on, this is a crazy game...."  After much persuasion and my going with him to the washroom, and my stripping and getting ready with him we finally suceeded...  i've decided that I'll tell these ladies, that he will wash himself and they can keep helping,where they can'  he has proved several things - he can take some of his own clothes off, - not his socks...or anything that has to come over his head...can undo buttons...but not all the time.

It has always been a pleasure for me to help him, and it became something he managed to just adjust and let me do more and more...but it's become impossible i'm exhausted and my knee has to be looked at again - it's telling me hey look how nice and swollen i it's important to keep these ladies in action with Mac...

one thing to prove to me he is o.k. and doesn't need help - today when we were getting ready to go to the
Baroque Symphony, he managed to put his boots on, they are a real pain...and he did it.!!! yea!
His mood swings are such that i never know for sure if he will go places or do things, for example he refused to brush his way jose he said way...but later i said, how about a walk, sure we'll go,he said,  and while we walked a bit in the parking lot...surprise, for him...our friend Wanda came to pick us up for the prob...into the car he went...and the symphony was super and again a lovely day....of course ending in a kind of funk as he had to have help from those damn ladies....oh well things could be worse ....just finished watching jack layton story...they sure could g'nite.

Friday, 8 March 2013

Friday, March 8, 2013 Hello, i'm are you?

Wow, those are the words that Mac answered to sweet Stephanie when she arrived here just 30 minutes ago.   She looked at me with raised eyebrows, but said nothing.   I said, Mac will wash himself, but needs help of course with his clothes...she agreed, and said "of course.  Then as I made a production of putting my medicine - voltaren on my knee, which is still swollen, Mac went happily off to get ready for bed.  he is now watching t.v. with his eyes closed. 

This morning as every morning since we've been here - which is only 4 mornings. his wake up - wash and getting dressed has been a cinch- the women are more mature, actually large black ladies, and they smile and just don't say - how are you and seem to be sweet, they just say...hello mr. mac, time to get washed and dressesd and off he goes.  Today's lady even gave him a as long as i don't refer to it before hand - but just take it all for sweat.  yesterday the woman asked me  if he would prefer a man, but actually there doesn't seem to be a man - although Mac kind of laughed today, when i said - oh there's the head nurse, (a man).  This place is amazing with the help and so far the kindness and caring attitude of the staff.   In fact during the night last night a male nurse, came in to make sure we were alright, he had heard that Mac had acted aggressively.  But by then we were both fine. 

Alzheimer's is the pits, but really most of the time, Mac is pleasant...and most of the time we enjoy life.  I could wish for the take charge Mac, the super math person, who handled all our finances, was up to date on what's happening in the world, loved to plan trips with me etc...but that would be ridiculous and spoil my days, i accept how he is and enjoy just having jeff Healy, sings in one of his songs...just to hear you say I love you every little while,  so that's where we're i'm enjoying the moment for sure - and the moment in this lovely apartment is great....g'nite.

Thursday, 7 March 2013

Thursday, March 7, 2013 i'm leaving, i'm going home....

The Big MOVE, was so successful, and I've been on such a high, that it is only right that i'd have to come down with a thud.  This place is lovely the move, and apartment plus mac's acceptance  was spectacular, and it's been a joy to be here look out at mount Royal and the oratory...through one windown, look at the river and mercier bridge, through another and then see the lake and river through another. plus the lights at night, the movement and action of life in lachine, etc.  all terrific, BUT

The ups and downs of the big A. have hit a real DOWN tonight....made the mistake of saying his helper, or girl that would get him ready for bed would be coming-said this around 6;15 pm  thought i should prepare him...big big error, as he wouldn't eat dinner..ranted and raved till 9:00, when poor girl, Stephane came, she tried to make him understand,when she came at 9:00,  but he just doesn't get it.....he can't understand that i need  help, he  of couse thinks it's because i don't want to help, i can say  my knee is bad - I'm old, etc,  but he keeps saying  " So he says that's it, i'm going home.   i reply that even if we were to go back to our house i'd still need help, and there i would need even more help...the stairs are too dangerous for him, we could both fall, etc etc,  

Anyway....he is now in bed, i did everything...and can't say I did it with a smile, but i am trying to put myself in his place, and it's sad...he is so mixed up, and with all the company we've had, perhaps it's mixed him up even more, who knows..but for sure he knew he did not want any young girl washing him or putting on his p.j.s...and with his stiff body, this is a big job, even though it doesn't seem so big.  he cannot hardly raise his arms, has problems with each bit of clothing, and anyway, it's difficult for him to fathom why it's a problem....                                   

So here's hoping tomorrow will be better, and that when the big black lady comes to get him ready for the day, he will just accept it like he did the past two a.m.s////then we'll see what to do about night time, for sure I will not prepare him

As for the apartment and the move,,,that part is great!!!!  I have to tell everyone, i have the best and most supportive 5 kids in the whole world, for you youngsters..have kids they are great in your old age - espcially if you have 5 like mine...

Monday, 4 March 2013

Monday, March 4, 2013 hurrah it's great....

No not our new apartment, but we're looking forward to that...what was so great was having a shower.   This is always a problem as before a shower it's always, "well don't really think i need one, I'm fine, don't feel like it etc etc...

So as we are moving tomorrow, it could not be put off another was the shower day and that was that.  So finally at last when he felt that lovely hot water he was so delighted, "hurrah it's it...thanks so much for letting me have a shower" (hello - letting you?)   Well after a couple of  hallelujahs; and loving every minute of a good hot shower...we were in such a good mood;  and so went the rest of the day.

We've had a lovely pizza dinner with our sweet Gaye, and her husband Bill, helping us with last minute packing....and now i'm feeling a lil bit overwhelmed with all the stuff that has to be done and stuff, but it's got to be...and so must end this blog  We'll be on our way to Lachine, in the morning with that brat cat miscsha, and all the odds and ends it takes to make our day...and make our house a home...g'nite

Friday, 1 March 2013

Friday, March 1, 2013 I remember when they ......

Well  i had written another blog but couldn't finish as Mac needed some attention, so put it to draft, that was a mistake, as where the heck is the draft, who knows, certainly not this blogger, so here we go with a new day and new thoughts or memories, it's noon time  a first, but I didn't want to forget as I found it so appropriate when Mac said, "I remember when they cut down that tree out there", well he was speaking about the big fat maple right outside our kitcen window.  Why this was so appropriate is that about 52  years ago at this time we had just moved into this house and in the months of Feb and March, we had to decide which of he eleven trees that were on our property had to be cut down.  We were especially sad about the one that was outside our kitchen window, we tried, or Vincelli nursery tried and tried to save it, they dug a well around it and bricked it in, so that the roots would get the water, as the roots had been covered by a high fill when they built the house.  Sad to say, that didn't work    So they cut down the lovely maple, but in it's place we planted another... which is now huge - much higher than our house and covers the whole place with tons of leaves in the fall, shades us and gave us so much pleasure over the past 52 years as it sheltered the squirrels, chipmunks, birds, wasps, racoons, and even skunks....

So it was appropriate to remember at this time, and also because soon we won't be seeing that tree from the kitchen window...we're busy preparing for our move...From the window where we will be we'll see more trees, but also shopping center, streets, houses, and best of all, the river and the where we are in lachine we'll be on the sixth floor...with many many windows....we of course will miss everythng, but we know that it's time to move on, and experience new views, new viewpoints and new and old friends.

Chateaugay and our neighbours have given us a wonderful life, not just for us but for our five children, and for our super walks along the river, both sides, for the fantastic Ile St. Bernard, for the skiing in the woods outside our door, in the early years and then at Fernand Seguin park later, on wonderful's been such a blessing.  Recently the walk paths that have given both mac and i pleasusre, so that we didn't have to worry about the traffic when we walked.  For the stores and the markets nearby, the jaunts by car to the country side not too far, where the kids used to pick apples, in Franklin Center...the swimming pool of Seigniiory park now long gone, but was a memory that we'll never forget, twas living every summer in the best country club in the world, with all the neightbourhood there, a swimming pool tht was olympic size where even top notch swimmers practiced, water polo teams played, and much much more took place.  Dances, movies and yoga...a baby pool for our littlest toddlers,  and extraordinary activities for special days....So now much has changed and much has been added, but it's our time to go and so we will,

I'll continue this memory of Mac's from lachine, where a different perspective will be there in our lives...we're looking forward to it so good bye for now....