Thankfully that's the question Mac asked as the First Responders managed to get him to open his eyes and wake up...after putting an oxygen mask on him...this all happened yesterday i.e. Friday about 8;30.a.m. Earlier in the night at about 4; woke up and was retching, and complaining his tummy was sore... I brought a bowl for him to throw up but he didn't do too much just mostly retched and I said, the retching made your tummy sore, so lay down and see how you feel. Mac just groaned and lay down and went off to sleep, and I did too. Then about 8;30 maybe a little earlier, I realized the person who would be getting him washed dressed and ready for the day would be coming, so i tried to wake him up and said, 'hey mac, I'll put your coffee on, Vedette will be coming soon. Well i tried and tried to wake him, but no way, he was in such a deep sleep, and yet one could hardly hear him breath. Finally i managed to get the head nurse, a man named Max...he rushed in and tapping mac's face hands and arms, but Mac just lay like a rag doll - unable to respond. So Max called for an ambulance...
In no time, three tall handsome firemen came in, I said, wow, that was fast - is the ambulance downstairs, the first one said, no '-We are first respnders...and the lead one, administered the oxygen mask and in a few minutes, Mac like a sleeping prince....woke up and looked sleeply around and said 'whaaass happening' ,but could hardly move, then he started to throw up and throw up and retch...they had a bag ready...the two other firemen, were running around along with Max the nurse trying to get the cat to stay back so the stretcher or gurney that the para medics were bringing would not cause the cat to run out....I had tried to get the cat to stay i n the bathroom, but he managed to open the door. So bedlam ensued with 2 fireman, a para medic and a nurse were all chasing that brat cat Mischa...i finally got him and locked him in the storage room.
The other 2 firemen, and paramedics got mac on the Gurney and a whirl of absolute blank headedness, i tried to dress, get food for Mischa, put on my coat and boots, as the paramedic came back to tell me I could get in the ambulance with my husband.....what a morning, but we finally arrived in the emergency room, i guess around 9;00 or 8' all happened so fast i couldn't even think about the time....while Mac continued to throw up in the ambulance and at the hospital... The place was packed with people in different states of illness and broken bones...either in wheel chairs, lying on gurneys...or wrapped in bandages....and some were groaning...what a disaster site. I didn't bring my cell phone, - what's new - i never think of it...and tried to phone from the hospital phone..finally got les on the phone and he contacted the others.
Was so surprised that Maureen managed to phone ME at the hospital, and sounding very efficent kind of made me a bit calmer, so i was able to tell her to contact two of my buddies, Susan and Susanna to tell them .."hey sorry but lunch wouldn't be on today" then back to poor Mac, who had finally stopped bringing up everything he had eaten for a week...Two doctors actually an intern, and a doctor managed to determine that Mac had gastro....or a very aggressive stomach flu... and later in the day he was to have blood tests and xrays....
We all - that is all the poor patients and the people who were helping many of which got to know each other, as we were all so close - we were sure to get each other's germs so might as well talk about what we were passing around....Actually the two men beside me the one had some kind of growing infection in his arm and his partner was cuddling him and giving him some chocolate, and hurrah decided he should give me a little one too...while mac lay there sleeping by this time....and at about 3 p.m. and 4 p.m; he had different blood tests, and by 4;30 xrays...all while various people groaned and moaned...and one lady yelled in a high blood curdling voice. Bloody Hell and Jesus Christ, please help me.!! the place became quiet for about 2 minutes, then everyone started to say how long they had been waiting, and that of course one had to be patient...
Finally the analysis of mac's condition was brought to our attention by the interne and doc, he had high white corpuscles or more than red, plus he had gastro, his xrays were o.k. and he needed to have electro something ..anyway, he is getting that through gator aide...and just then along came Valerie to save the day, Brianna and the baby Finlay were out in the car waiting, and so bundling mac up in a flannelette sheet with his socks on and p.j.s he went out in the freezing shouting and swearing and blaming the whole wishing he could zero in on someone to really blame...with the heat turned up to high...we managed to get him back to the apt. where we were met by Gaye and Bill....and who would believe, we all had a great dinner of salad, risotto and salmon, while Mac had chicken with rice...and flat gingerale..
Then we headed to an early bed....and both of us woke up refreshed and the only way i could make mac believe he had been to the hospital was to show him the oxygen mask - now in the waste basket in our bedroom. and all the tabs i pulled off him much to his yells ...and the bracelet on his wrist....
So today, was great, with mac joking and happy, Josie, visiting, Gaye and Bill over to help us get a shelf and cell phone...apparently I MUST have that...or a better one than before, and so .here i am thankful to have my prince wake up, but now I must make sure he gets to sleep, but NOT stay asleep....g'nite.
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