That's what he tells the women who come to help, But it really isn't over, the game of someone - i.e . support people helping mac get dressed and undressed...and some days it is a fairly good game and some days it's the pits...
Actually mac and i had such a busy day yesterday that he and i were both asleep when the woman came today...she came back but even when he was semi awake he wouldn't move later she came again, and she managed, but it wasn't too easy - much cajoling and saying look just let me do put your shirt on for you ...he was too tired to do it himself for sure. i was begining to think, oh just leave him in p.j.s but once he was dressed, he was ready for the day...even up to going out, and it was fairly cold. So can never predict how it's going to be. Mac's like the weather.
Mac's great barber came to give him a hair cut yesterday, and what a wonderful job he does, and as we were going down for the the gazette after his haircut, i said "hey you look 15 years younger, he said 'feels like 15 lbs lighter ....'" Then it was out for a walk to the lake, what a wonderful day it was, we were watching those super athletes windsurfing with huge kites, on the lake, wow, they must have really warm wet suits or whatever....and the weather was so lovely too.
Today we just went a short distance with Mac cursing every car and bus that passed us stirring up a freezing cold wind. As i said he is like the weather, blows hot and cold depending.
Dinner last night with our grandaughter Rosemary was fun, and with all the company yesterday, it was important to have a down restful time today...and that's what we did, short walk, and an indoor day with mischa the cat providing the running around after his toys with me in the lead...mac loves to watch him jump over furniture and do his circque de soleil tricks... but he is a serious cat now, he wants his special snack, so g'nite....
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