Friday, 1 March 2013

Friday, March 1, 2013 I remember when they ......

Well  i had written another blog but couldn't finish as Mac needed some attention, so put it to draft, that was a mistake, as where the heck is the draft, who knows, certainly not this blogger, so here we go with a new day and new thoughts or memories, it's noon time  a first, but I didn't want to forget as I found it so appropriate when Mac said, "I remember when they cut down that tree out there", well he was speaking about the big fat maple right outside our kitcen window.  Why this was so appropriate is that about 52  years ago at this time we had just moved into this house and in the months of Feb and March, we had to decide which of he eleven trees that were on our property had to be cut down.  We were especially sad about the one that was outside our kitchen window, we tried, or Vincelli nursery tried and tried to save it, they dug a well around it and bricked it in, so that the roots would get the water, as the roots had been covered by a high fill when they built the house.  Sad to say, that didn't work    So they cut down the lovely maple, but in it's place we planted another... which is now huge - much higher than our house and covers the whole place with tons of leaves in the fall, shades us and gave us so much pleasure over the past 52 years as it sheltered the squirrels, chipmunks, birds, wasps, racoons, and even skunks....

So it was appropriate to remember at this time, and also because soon we won't be seeing that tree from the kitchen window...we're busy preparing for our move...From the window where we will be we'll see more trees, but also shopping center, streets, houses, and best of all, the river and the where we are in lachine we'll be on the sixth floor...with many many windows....we of course will miss everythng, but we know that it's time to move on, and experience new views, new viewpoints and new and old friends.

Chateaugay and our neighbours have given us a wonderful life, not just for us but for our five children, and for our super walks along the river, both sides, for the fantastic Ile St. Bernard, for the skiing in the woods outside our door, in the early years and then at Fernand Seguin park later, on wonderful's been such a blessing.  Recently the walk paths that have given both mac and i pleasusre, so that we didn't have to worry about the traffic when we walked.  For the stores and the markets nearby, the jaunts by car to the country side not too far, where the kids used to pick apples, in Franklin Center...the swimming pool of Seigniiory park now long gone, but was a memory that we'll never forget, twas living every summer in the best country club in the world, with all the neightbourhood there, a swimming pool tht was olympic size where even top notch swimmers practiced, water polo teams played, and much much more took place.  Dances, movies and yoga...a baby pool for our littlest toddlers,  and extraordinary activities for special days....So now much has changed and much has been added, but it's our time to go and so we will,

I'll continue this memory of Mac's from lachine, where a different perspective will be there in our lives...we're looking forward to it so good bye for now....

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