Saturday, 16 March 2013

Saturday, March 16, 2013 Oh i'm so happy......thank god,hallelujah

This morning the cat woke me up as usual to give him his brekkie, he usually meows around 8;15, he has a structured agenda..and it's hard to deviate from it, so up i got and when i returned to the bedroom Mac was sitting up and said 'who are you', i said, I'm janet,  "Oh I'm so happy, thank God and hallelujah, and he quickly put his arms around me and said come back to bed, which I was planning to do anyway, so he said, Janet don't ever leave i was so so sad....i guess he had a bad dream, he  couldn't explain why he was so so sad....but continued to hug me, and say - 'we're together forever and ever"....and it was so nice to have him so completely happy ...because, of course the mood can change ...

Gaye and Bill came to do some more setting up of lamps and help with gettting stuff from the locker, wonderful how we are settling in so well - which we know couldn't happen without our great kids and those two are such experts in knowing how to put up lamps, pictures name it. the others have put in the computer, phones ...t.v. - and bringing dinners like Val did last night,,,all have done so much it's beyond belief.
We went out for a walk,  to do some shopping, and check out our new neighbourhood.  One of the neat things we saw was a 'dog park'  - which will be fun to stand and watch once the weather is warmer....the dogs were playing with each othe, running and jumping around..We didn't go to the lake as the breeze was fairly cold, but were able to go to a different grocery store, and a pharmacy...naturally i forgot several things I needed, but the good thing is that i remembered to write my address and put it in my wallet, as I haven't got it commited to memory yet.  Good thing, as i had to show it to the girl at the IGA grocery, so my stuff could be delivered.  And good thing we didn't take a long route home, as the delivery boy was right behind us when we got to our apartment.

Then came the change of mood, since once we were finished our snack...  the phone started to ring, and listening to a one sided conversation, me talking - and since he couldn't hear the other part of the conversation it , was apparently driving mac nuts, and he said ....That was absolutely the most boring conversation, and therefore he decided he couldn't stand to talk to me, and as far as he was concerned, he couldn't be bothered with someone so left the room.  i couldn't get him to interact, listen to newspaper articles, or watch t.v. he just sat with his eyes closed. later he said, 'don't make me any supper'....

BUT, I did and the aroma of  l'orange loin of pork with garlic, drew him in...and it was back to hurrah, what a good dinner, and a happy camper, who is now waiting for me to come to bed, so g'nite.

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