Friday, 29 March 2013

Friday, April 19, 2013 no you are not ....

A lovely day, with Gaye putting up some more pics in our new abode, and getting ready for our Easter with family....  Although Mac was not up to par for a good part of the day, but finally felt better after a walk around the lobby, and finally a walk around the block....BUT,  last night was a bit of a downer as he woke up from a - what i guess was a bad dream, with a loud scream that sent chills up my spine, - 'i said, are you okay....and he answered, WHO ARE YOU??      I ANSWERED, I'M JANET...NO YOU ARE NOT HE REPLIED.  gads, he sounded so positive, that i almost thought, o.k. who am i..but then i woke up completely and said.

Mac, you are having a bad dream, wake up, i'm janet, and i'm your wife, we are in bed, and all is well,
- after a few more back and forths, re; are you really Janet...and where are you/?  and finally, I'm sorry of course you are janet...and fianlly we were off to sleep....

Well while we were brushing our teeth, i remembered and so told him about his bad dream and how he couldn't remember me last night, etc.......he said, "gee hope I don't wake up screaming tonight..., i said right hope not...'   also i said i hope you remember who i am...he said,  for sure, i'll remember, you are George,
right???and then burst out laughing.  o.k. mr. joker, but call me George now, but please remember i'm janet tonight...he laughed and said don't worry, you are janet...

Well i really  know that he recognizes me as a main support in his life, it's not always janet, but it's someone that knows him and he knows's on and it's off in terms of names and places...but the underlying support and love between us is there, and that's what's important.  The same goes for his family, he may not always remember who is who, exception is the baby Finley, but even then sometimes mac will call Finley a little boy, but he knows he loves that baby and she loves him...this love permeates through the family regardless of whether he knows the name of the family member or's there, and i couldn't live without it.....and as for mischa, the brat cat, he knows him and it's a constant, and that constant is yelling for his special food, so g'nite...

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