Just want to put in some quick notes on this blog that make me feel good and positive...as we all know this disease does not improve, but yet.....since we have been here
1..episodes of nights of frantic yells, body jerks and insisting on going somewhere - who knows where?? have decreased in fact can't remember the last time, waking now only for the bathroom...
2, remembering to go the bathroom during the day, (though i must admit, i am doing most of the remembering here, but he also has improved in this regard
3. fewer episodes of Sundown Syndrome, so far approx. one or two times a week as compared with just about every night.
4. observing more than just the weather...pointing out constructiion - focussing on ball games and soccer and understanding the games to a degree...though the last soccer game was last wed. evening - so will try to find a substitute activity.
5. still starts the day with tiny little steps for walking, but improves much earlier in the day...walks and at times even tries to walk quickly
6. Continues to dry dishes, carry laundry to laundry room, keep track of house keys, helps to reach for items too high for me....
7. starts conversations with residents and seems to remember some of them personally...can go to the table we sit at in the dining room without my direction...this evening he sat down and turned to Alice, saying
So how are you today??? She said, Janet, tell Mac, I can't hear well, and I'm blind in my left eye...- mac said "I didn't hear you, how are you??/ so through this little comedy routine, i told him - she said she's fine....
We're walking two to three times a day..for two to three hours at a time this seems to be the best prescription as he sits and falls asleep in the house - so far no hobbies - hates t.v. writing reading looking at pictures...but .still likes to eat, . relates well to all the residents here - can't always tell who is a man or a woman though...and always says, boy I'm so glad you are a girl..well me too...
so music, news on t.v. for about 5 min, but seems to follow stories like 'the big bang' or at least watches for about 15 min..talking with residents and walking..enjoys phone calls .and of course sleeping and that's what he is doing now, so must join him, g'nite...
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