Saturday, 23 February 2013

Saturday, February 23, 2013 okay that's enough...

If you have been following this blog, whoever, you know that we - Mac an I, almost had to be away from each other.  We were thinking of a long-term Facility for Mac, and since there was an opening coming up, the Social Worker suggested we start by having him stay at a holding place in Laprarie till he went to the Chateauguay Foyer; where I would visit him every day.   This turned out to be the best thing that could happen as we, or I discovered that I couldn't live that way...I and my two children who were with me, realized we couldn't leave him there, and I for one was a basket case.

Now each day as he is home here with me, is like a gift.  We still do the same old things, read the gazette together, or I read and he listens to stuff like Dear Annie, we play with our Cat - Mischa, we do the dishes together, listen to music, fold sheets - (do washing every day, at least i do), and march around and try and dance to Rock around the clock and other fun cds.  BUT, each day, I sit on his knee an cuddle, and he loves it, and then he'll say okaiy, thats enough...don't want to overdo it, I'm too valuable, or stuff like that...and it's such fun.

Soon we'll be moving to an assisted living place, and Mac will still be with me till he can't, and then he will be in the same building as myself, and this way, not too far apart.   My friend was saying that the doctor for her mom who has Alzheimer's said, that Alzheimer's is a Care giver's disease....well I know what he means...and it is such a heart breaker, but right now, my heart is full and happy and so, good night...

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