Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Wednesday, May 29, 2013.....thought you had forgotten me...

Continuing the story...of mac's memory of his wife, or not continued to a happy conclusion 
This is not the first time that he has said 'you are not my wife, it has happened even a couple of years ago'  but he is always secure in the knowledge that the someone - wife - best friend, girlfriend, mother figure, is there and constant...and today was no i mentioned the respite person from the CLSC came to give me a kind of break for 3 hours...usually i never take the whole 3 hours but decided to really go for it and did....when i returned he was so happy, thought i had completely fogotten him...his caregiver or respite person, was just trying to tell him that i would be returning shortly, when i showed up.
He kept saying, 'thought you had forgotten me, or forgotten  to come home', thought you were never returning...i told him that is the problem with your memory, i told you when i left " not to worry i will be back in 3 hours - have a good visit with Bill"...but i'm sorry you's hard for you, as you cannot remember...BUT, just know I will always be there for you, i will definitely come back to you. 
The rest of the day, from 5p.m. when i returned to bedtime was perfect...we managed a walk between rain showers...funny mac was amazed at how warm it was, he was judging from the earlier downpour that it would be we walked along this evening, he was so thrilled with the warm sun, and blue sky...he said 'it's great let's take off our shoes and underwear'...that struck me as hilarious and i couldn't stop he said ...o.k. you know i'm joking, 'well i should hope so...he  is now sound asleep, so g'nite.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013 Are you really my wife?

Monday started out in a kind of grim way, Mac was throwing up, mainly a kind of phlem...apparently this happens as many A. patients swallow their phlem...or something - which causes this...There was no temp. and his blood pressure and all else was normal according to the nurse who responded very quickly to our call.  So, decided with weather so good we should seize the day, - so glad we did, it turned out to be a beautiful day,  a walk along the lake - watching the Canada geese  the swallows, and perhaps purple martins not sure, and sweet little babies, children wild flowers  kite surfers, and all the wonderful activities that take place on the lake walk...ending with a sharing of a hot chocolate sundae...num....

Tuesday Mac and I had a lovely visit with his first and almost his last cousin mabel - spending the visit time in beautiful Westmount Park, all after first visiting the eye specialist...ending the afternoon meeting our daughter Glenna and then home to dinner.  BUT, always there is the down side..which happened just before bedtime.; Mac looked at me saying 'Are you really my wife, I sure don't believe that...Well i said here is a picture of our wedding party   many years ago, 61, almost....Showing him his brother the best man, the ushers  Joey martel his brother in law, Chuck Holden, the bridesmaids, Ellen Holden, my sis, and Marjorie Finley, my good friend...and of course finally himself,  which he could hardly recognize and strange but true, me, who he said was Janet...i said right, that's me Janet....I know theres a change, but he said, no you look like that - but you are definitely NOT Janet....So i ended that session with ' well let's go to sleep, wait for the morning, and see if I look like janet"  He said, do you have another bed around here, I don't want you in my bed...well sorry, NO, but we don't have to touch each other..i'll stay way over on my o.k.   Now let's brush our teeth...While we were brushing our teeth...i said..Gee i feel sad that you don't know me tonight..?  Then just like that he said,  oh I know you, you are Janet and I'm sorry if I made you sad....

Well how does all that go around in his mind, i really don't know...but I was so happy to have him hug me, and hold my hand on the way to OUR one can see times it's not so much for him that we are here but for I should realize that his mind is always up and down, and should not be taken seriously, but then  I say that but my mind does not take it in, and then i'm up and down too..and as the Alzheimer's Society nurse said, i have to get a life and realize going like that is to lead to depression for me...which is not good, so time to take a break.. 

 His visitor from CLSC, will come this afternoon, so I'll take a break, a time off for myself and get back to norm where I can realize that Mac is sick,   and not take seriously his down and unusual behaviours - which of course always seems to happen in the onward to  a good day....

Sunday, 26 May 2013

Sunday, May 26, 2013 Where the hell are we and why......

----- -----
2013 / Walk for Memories 2013 -
Hi Jan....sorry I didn’t make it because of the rain.  How did it go?  Were you able to achieve your goals?
So many questions, eh?
Take care, hope Macs eye is healing ok.
So that's a message from my dear friend Susanna -
And below is the answer:-
Hi Susanna,
lucky you, i thought we should perhaps cancel, but mac seemed o.k., but if  you have been reading my blog you probably realize that was a mistake...his med strips covering his cut over his left eye were drooping into his eye causing him to be practically blind by the time we got there, as well the rain was coming down in torrents....  So it was "what the hell are we doing here, Where are we and why and for C's sake let's get out of here.  and more cursing and cussing."..imagine the place was like a little swamp and we only had shoes on. 
My son Les and one of the workers cut up one of those thin plastic ponchos and tied plastic over poor mac's shoes...didn't help much either that his umbrella broke as soon as i opened it...Sooo i decided to call it we stood under a tent ....watching the  parade of brave people marching off on the walk in pouring rain, included in the group were Valerie, Brianna, baby Finley, my nephew Greg and girlfriend Deb...Les and Jane opted to stay with us and then at my urging due to the air that was turning blue around Mac, we just turned around and went back to our place..
When we returned luckily the nurse was on duty and managed to cut the antiseptic strips over mac's cut although one can still see the blood,; it is scabbing, yuck, but he felt much better.
 Little while later V B and F. came back with box lunches which the A. Assoc.  provided and Greg and Deb brought back delicious macrons...(to die for)  we all had a nice time here in our cozy apartment....
Later, when most of the gang left...Greg stayed with Mac and Deb and I went to the Teapot ( the Seniiors Club here in Lachine) where they were having a Flea Market...and bought some cool things..
We (Mac and I) ended the afternoon at the afternoon party for the Seniors in our building who have a birthday in May...there was a pianist who played all old favourites, with loads of trills, and the place was quite packed with residents...So after some bd cake and juice, we happily returned to our snug little home...The weather cleared up, but Mac's had enough excitement so we're staying put tonight.  i asked him if he was happy that we didn't bother to do the WALK, he said 'what walk'  ????
Hope you don't mind more info than you asked but  i'm going to cut and paste all this in my you don't need to read it, ha...   xxxjan.

Friday, 24 May 2013

Saturday, May 24, 2013 I can feel it pulling when ......

mac's eye lid and area have become blackened making me feel absolutely sick...the cut part has three little strips vertical but since they were (nurses) slow in getting the strips, one can see about 1/8th strip of blood  showing along a curved cut of one baby finger nail is lethal...should get a licence for it.
mac says, I can feel it pulling when i blink, well yeah, it is right beside his right eye and it is the eyelid, so - i'm thinking, if that were me, i'd be furious, he is a doll.
what's the story with people who are overenthrusiastic - (ME) they should RELAX and stop with the the time i was also singing at the top of my lungs to Sentimental journey....hadn't heard it in years and was really carried away when the animator had that on her tape.  Actually it now makes me sentimental, i remember mac nearly knocked my eye out (he actually made me have a broken blood vessel in my eye) many years ago waving a finger at me about the fact that he was NOT going to go skiing that day...ha. we're even .....(not really)
i'd say i'm careless not  less caring, but of course - without cares - sure is not me. and sure not less caring, but i would say it's not THINKING  - hey i'm near someone on both sides  do not wave my arms too far out....lucky i didn't do anything to the man on the other side of me...
Well this shows that we do have a life here and it is really a fun and obviously not boring one, tonight our view of sundown is spectacular...our day started with fun with Richard music therapist, and continued with a visit from our two grandaughters, and our lovely great grandaughter Finley, what could be sweeter.
Mac would love to have a handle on his finances and wishes he could remember all kinds of things, this though is a familiar and obviously one that means so much to him...along with wanting to see his mom, and yet at the same time he realilzes these are things that are beyond his comprehension so he tries to live in the moment. as do most of make this moment count ....enjoy ...but watch out for the crazies out there with long fingernails..  g'nite.

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Thursday, May 23, 2013 Just leave it alone....

I'm on my blog in the morning, which is a first....why you may ask???  WELL, I'm absolutely devastated i've actually hurt ACCIDENT ....hurt the love of my life...MAC.   They say there are no accidents, and in a way they (whoever They are) are correct.  If i had been watching what i was doing it wouldn't have happened but I was having too much fun.  We were in our exercise class, and at the end of it we play a game of kicking or batting - whatever - these huge happy face beach balls...there we were 20 alzheimers people or whatever ailment plus the teacher and myself batting and kicking the balls all over the circle...two came toward me and i quickly reached out with my left hand and mac leaned over with his right and i caught him squarely in his left eyelid with the nail of my little finger ....Well, no one really noticed not even poor mac whose eyelid was bleeding - it could have been his!! ..BUT, i quickly went to get a wet kleenex and put it on his eye...  with Mac saying through clenched teeth...'just leave it alone'

Well  here we are two hours later....we've finally had the nurse here - she put some special little bandage strips on as the cut is wide so to try to bring it back together and believe it or not still bleeding - also there is a kind of tiny blotting bandage on it as well....i've been having to put kleenex on my eyes, as i can't stop having tears every time i look at him and know who caused the damn thing.  As mac and the nurse said - it's an accident, but were i not being so carefree and a little more observant i'd realize that flinging one's legs and arms around when sitting close to others is  a bit dangerous to say the least.  As mac says over and over, "well I'm the one who never want's to go to these things, so now you can see it's stupid and we won't go there again'  well hopefully he will forget...and hopefully, the person who is supposed to be "with it"  will watch what she is doing.

To think i could have done it to some unsuspecting neighbour absolutely makes me cringe, and to do it to mac has made me  ill....

Will just add a couple of more notes here....yesterday we had 'Bill" from the CLSC, and i have learned how to figure what to just happened that instead of saying ClSC is sending some one to give me respite, i said....CLSC is sending someone to visit you every week, they want to make sure your move from CLSC care in Chateauguay  to CLSC care in lachine is going well...Mac said "oh that's good'...When the man came i introduced him as Bill here to visit Bill agreed with that, and continued to talk to Mac about  'did he like his new house etc."   So I left them to it for about two hours, and all went well, so that's how we'll handle it from here on....a visitor for Mac, he likes that, who wouldn't. 

Lastly, we were going to go out this afternoon for banking and grocerying, but due to the "eye incident" we're taking it easy, and whammo a mother of a rainstorm hit the building, and we've been watching the trees, the wind and the rain hammer away at all our windows, kind of scary fun.  But happily we're stuck now we'll have a cuppa tea...relax, and enjoy some soothing music....(i need it) xxabientot

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

May 21, 2013, Tuesday.... I'm going to go upstairs...

Today was not the greatest for our person that stays with Mac..Debbie... thought if she was late getting here for 10 a.m. she would have no problem just coming into the yoga class and staying while i took off.  I didn't think that would be a great plan, but decided that it would probably not happen, i.e. that she would be on time and then be able to either stay here with him or go to yoga...depending on his mood.   Well that was my mistake number one, she was late.... mistake number two was  before we went to yoga, i told him Debbie would probably join us there so i could go out...although he really didn't take the info in, he was disturbed and would not participate, but when nothing happened for about 20 minutes i guess he felt well things were normal and so he started participating  and enjoying, when along came Deb, interrupting the class and her mistake was kind of upsetting to everyone, which was she went for  a chair instead of just replacing me, dragged the chair  around, etc.  This put Mac in the spotlight so he came out with me as he hates to look like he is being minded kind of thing, and I understand that perfectly...He said, 'I'm going upstairs, i told him he could go up stairs or go out with Deb but i would be leaving, coming back later...and gave him the key to our apartment.

Well when i returned, found out that Debbie was stuck downstairs with mac for three hours, she was not pleased,also,  he would not  give her the key, and said he was waiting for me there.  Debbie hadn't eaten breakfast and so proceeded to eat chips from the snack machine.  i'm not sure how they spent the three hours,they could sit on sofas and look at magazines, or go outside,  but apparently she was trying hard to get  him up here finally did so , by saying maybe i was already in the apartment.  There,  they were able to eat the lunch i had left for them...

When i finally did return, i knocked and knocked on the door, but Debbie had the music so loud she couldn't hear and neither could he...she is partly deaf...i had to go down and get the concierge to get the key, thought 'oh how nice, they are out for a walk.'  my mistake to prevent having any more mistakes,   i'm going to have to rethink how to handle these things. and make sure mac is a happy camper before i leave, also that we do not have any other program on tap.

Tomorrow we will have a new person from the ClSC respite program, a man !!!! I've already told mac he has a visitor coming to see him ...and i may leave them ...but i know he will forget by let's see how that be continued....g'nite.

Friday, 17 May 2013

Friday, May 17, 2013 It's all really beautiful..

As we left the dental specialist today, we started to walk along the Lachine canal where we could see the St. Lawrence going out to Lac St. Louis, and what a great distraction from my yukky frozen mouth...after having root canal work..and both of us i.e. Mac and I stopped and just gaped as the sun shone through the trees  and as Mac exclaimed...'it's all really beautiful...and so it is. 

Before we left for the appointment, we spent our usual Friday start of the day,  with Richard, who is the music therapist who sings - plays his guitar and generally starts our Friday off to a super day.  I'm not sure how others would feel sitting in the group - seeing about 20 women and men all with advanced Alzheimer's nodding - to the music,  most in wheelchairs -  some with their heads hanging looking like they are fast asleep, but then wake with a smile as Richard sings songs to them -   When he sings he makes sure to include their names in the songs - and now he knows Mac and Mac's  name get's included too, which seems to please Mac, although he never mentions it. 

Sometimes it makes me feel so sad as i can kind of see the future and it's not exactly pretty, as one lady spends much of her time, peering through another lady's hair - while that lady just kind of is in a trance sleeping and waking not even noticing that someone is going through her hair, this for almost the whole hour while Richard sings.  Doesn't faze Richard who livens
most of the patients and certainly also the nurses , some of whom, dance with the more lively of the men.
One lady danced with her friend who has the big A. and spoke to Richard saying, she and her friend had been friends for 50 years..their husbands worked together, when Richard said to the patient, 'this lady has been your friend for 50 years' the patient just looked and didn't respond, her friend took her hand saying you remember me, right?  But no response was forthcoming, and so Richard quickly filled in the void by singing including the name of the patient in the song, and got a wonderful smile and both patient and friend brightened up...Mac doesn't comment on any of this, and seems to just accept and enjoy the music...tapping his toes and nodding his head - then he we go back to our apt and he doesn't remember.   

He also  doesn't remember that he had a woman stay with him on Wednesday that he didn't like or know...The woman - linda - who stayed with him while I went to the shopping center - on the bus...trying   out that bus route for the first time.....Interesting new scenery for me,  and it only took 15 minutes to reach a neat shopping center with one of my fave stores - The Bay - where i managed to buy a pair of shoes and then stand in a bus shelter on the way back, while the rain came pouring down...happy to report that Mac was o.k. with the trip, although he tells me contantly, he can stay alone...but no way is that going to happen.

So we will try it again next Wednesday...I guess as time goes on he will get accustomed to being left with different people, we shall see.  Actually,  most of the time we are together,  now I'm beginning to think the person who really gets the most benefit is myself.  Can't picture a life without him, and so I appreciate these days, these walks, these funny times, where his jokes can make me laugh, like today when i was brushing some lint from his shirt front, he said, "hey can I do the same thing to you, i promise i won't be rough, and I'm sure no one will notice"..and then he gave one of his sly smiles ....hmmm, gotta watch this guy.  Anyway, he's in bed and waiting for me so gotta get my hugs...g'nite.

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Wednesday, My 15, 2013 We are home....

Nearly every day we go for a walk down to the lake or for one of the many little errands we need to do i.e. mail, groceries, etc.  But I'm not sure if I've mentioned the Teapot....this is an over 55 club  which we joined when we first arrived, as one of our friends thought it would be a good destination for us to have.  Well she was right, in my case, but in Mac's case not so.  Every time we drop in, he starts off saying, well how long are we here for...what are all those old people doing, no i don't want coffee....but eventually he calms down, has coffee and at times even talks to a few people if they talk to him first.  Yesterday, was one of those days, where we went there, mainly because they will be having a Flea market, and I wanted to give them a few of my pieces of junk jewellery to sell at this event.

So, to show that he was not interested he didn't remove his jacket or have coffee, but i persisted as i felt like having a cup of tea..which i did, but since he was not too keen, skipped chatting with anyone, and just wrote my little grocery list with his participation, and we left to do this excursion - grocerying - as i call it.  On the way decided to make a little bit of a break in the routine and go a different direction, mainly to check out a restaurant and the times they were open...then yuck, we were stuck on a street being repaved.  The noise was just awful as trucks, steam rollers  etc. drove Mac up the wall, so when arriving at the grocery store, he was push push, are we finished, have you got everything, what next, where are we going's a wonder I got anything.

Finally we were wending our way home, and most times we arrive at the entrance, which is wide  and paved differently then the rest of the street,  and usually i ask, do you know where we are, and sometimes he knows and sometimes doesn't.  but yesterday, he just pushed ME along, and said, WE ARE HOME!!

Although I would in other days be annoyed at being rushed, just his saying We are home, pleased me no end.  One of the reasons i've not been putting too much on my blog, is that he is going along beautifully, every day is a pleasure, we do various things that are a constant...i.e. yoga, music, exercise, walk, he is in love with the light, his cat, and the structure of his days which pleases him no end...actually he didn't always know where he lived so this is a good marker as we are checking how he is since he is off one of his meds...

today will be a new experience....meeting a person sent from ClSC, to give me respite  so far i haven't gone too many places without him, and have been paying Debbie who did this kind of work for my brother in law in the past., is experienced and knows Mac.... CLSC provides the service for 3 hours a week as part of their mandate .so we're able to access this plan.  Today we will find out if this will work, I'm leery not just of a new person, but apparently, i just discovered when i told the girl today would just be to know each other and later she can be with him alone....turns out, they send a different person every week, it may be the same one it may not....Well that's not a great idea, and so he will not be the only one who is we will be continued.....

Sunday, 12 May 2013

Sunday, May 12, 2013 Why is it mother's day?

We celebrated mother's day yesterday with the whole fandamily...which is quite a few people as we now number about 30 people if we include all the boyfriends and girlfriends of the grandchildren who are often with us at these gatherings...although at this time the main attraction is Finley, the great grandchild,and every time we have such a day i thank God for her. 

When we came home from Brianna's - our grandaughter - the mother of precious Finley - mac said, Why is it mother's day?  When I answered that mothers around the world are being honoured he just shrugged, until i said, "well too, I for one are not only the mother and grandmother - but I'm the great grandmother of Finley"...Well then his eyes lit up, as he said "she is so much fun..she really loves to make us laugh"  So that's what made Mac's mother's day...and I'm sure that will make his Father's day too. 

For one who loved his family so much, and who enjoyed making sure each child was recognized by having special movies made of their birthdays...spending hours finding just the right font to make a title for the movie, getting pictures from each child's earliest days, and then spending the day taking a movie of the proceedings; it's rather painful to see how he now no longer sees these men women and of course the grandchildren as his ...he often asks - who is who, and why are they here, or why are we there...yesterday was no exception, he was so tired at the end of the day, and asking me, when do we go home...and when we arrived back at the apartment, asking again, Why were all those people there, and Why is it mother's day...and again it's Finley that holds the whole effort together...

So it's quite wonderful that she is such a showman / girl...doing all her latest tricks, doing the hokey pokey, clapping he hands for happy and you know it....pointing her little finger in her hand for pique pique pique...holding her head for head and fingers knees and toes...and the list goes on...eensy teensy spider, spinery rinky dinky dink ...etc  At the end of the day he's happy and he knows it and though he doesn't clap his hands...he is content...and so am i.

So Happy Mother's Day.....

Sunday, May 12, 2013 Why is it mother's day?

We celebrated mother's day yesterday with the whole fandamily...which is quite a few people as we now number about 30 people if we include all the boyfriends and girlfriends of the grandchildren who are often with us at these gatherings...although at this time the main attraction is Finley, the great grandchild,and every time we have such a day i thank God for her. 

When we came home from Brianna's - our grandaughter - the mother of precious Finley - mac said, Why is it mother's day?  When I answered that mothers around the world are being honoured he just shrugged, until i said, "well too, I for one are not only the mother and grandmother - but I'm the great grandmother of Finley"...Well then his eyes lit up, as he said "she is so much fun..she really loves to make us laugh"  So that's what made Mac's mother's day...and I'm sure that will make his Father's day too. 

For one who loved his family so much, and who enjoyed making sure each child was recognized by having special movies made of their birthdays...spending hours finding just the right font to make a title for the movie, getting pictures from each child's earliest days, and then spending the day taking a movie of the proceedings; it's rather painful to see how he now no longer sees these men women and of course the grandchildren as his ...he often asks - who is who, and why are they here, or why are we there...yesterday was no exception, he was so tired at the end of the day, and asking me, when do we go home...and when we arrived back at the apartment, asking again, Why were all those people there, and Why is it mother's day...and again it's Finley that holds the whole effort together...

So it's quite wonderful that she is such a showman / girl...doing all her latest tricks, doing the hokey pokey, clapping he hands for happy and you know it....pointing her little finger in her hand for pique pique pique...holding her head for head and fingers knees and toes...and the list goes on...eensy teensy spider, spinery rinky dinky dink ...etc  At the end of the day he's happy and he knows it and though he doesn't clap his hands...he is content...and so am i.

So Happy Mother's Day.....

Friday, 10 May 2013

Friday, May 10, 2013 Should we go upstairs...?

Our doctor  took Mac off one of his meds  and I am going to keep a record as I remember that when mac was desperate and crying trying to understand what was going on in his head.  There he was  on the bottom step of our stairs inside at our Montcalm house going through hell..i called the Dr.  -The Dr.  prescribed a higher level of that particular medicine - . and now at least yesterday he had to have a test to see if he could have $$$ from govt to cover the  169 per month..Mac tested under the prescribed level so Dr. thought it  was not doing too much for mac  , and since he is not testing high enugh the  Gov't will not pay for the meds - so he is off that one.   we'll see after 2 wks, if being off is good or bad.  . The Doc thinks it's the new home and the safety net provided. that is causing him to have a good nights sleeping well , and good days.   ...But

As of last night he was awake twice – ..also, very restless hearing every sound so we or I am noticing a difference..already...

The atmosphere and the help here is of course super and he responds to this so well, the exercise the yoga and the music therapy on walking every day to the lake and along the lake, the structure the fabulous light in our apt...from all the's wonderful for both of the first month here where he was furious that they dressed him for the day and undressed him and put him in his p.js at night – this has changed to acceptance and in fact he looks forward to the help and the conversation with these people, 4 ladies, the real friendly one, then another also friendy but not as verbose, two quieter ones but ...all are good and helpful.  BUT ....was the medicine doing it's part too?.  This is the question...

Today, he was content most of the day, but not as on target, or am i looking for a downward thrust...for example when we were going to brush our teeth before he went to bed, he said, should we go upstairs...well we don't go upstairs, but we used to in our other house. so that is probably understandable But yet,..Also, his walking seemed slower - but was i walking faster than i normally do...he could hardly see his fork tonight and had trouble eating, well that was the same yesterday, in fact he didn't see his spoon in the dish at breakfast yesterday...I must stop trying to see changes that are not there...he was certainly on target when i was trying to put his toothbrush in his hand, he said..'put it down , i'm not a baby...and he is right, I  know he can take things himself, i go overboard sometimes with my help.

looking at some of the people with the big A. i can see what is coming and somehow i try to compensate and do too much and not give Mac enough time to do things for himself...anyway, i want him to have all the help he needs, so taking him off his meds has caused a change, and probably the change is in myself...we will see...g'nite.

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Wednesday, Mqy 8, 2013 Feels like 24 minutes....

Life in our new abode goes so quickly, Mac notices this too, this morning he said   another day another 24 hours, feels like 24 minutes...and so it does.   We seem to do so many things in a day maybe that's why.  He has become so used to our new place, that when we went to our old house to pick up some stuff and make sure all was well, he could hardly wait to come home, and home for us now is definitely here in our little apartment above the world.  Though it's no wonder, every morning we look out on greenery, as lovely trees lawns are all green now.  Then there is the lake, tops of houses, and life goes on as we watch cars and trucks going by as we eat our's never dull.

Along with the walks we take every day, mac comes with me to the study group i attend every Wednesday, and although he says he's not listening, as he sits eyes closed; he manages to say a few words of what we are now calling wisdom...based on what we are discussing.  I'm beginning to worry about my memory as I am so sure I will remember not only that but the things he says that are so humorous, but sad to say, no only wisps of the laughter we share remains, but it's great.

Our friend Debbie, who stays with Mac when i have to go to wonderful places like the dentist, doctor etc. says he is an angel, and fun to be with...and best of all, he is sleeping soundly and ALL NIGHT...I'm almost afraid to say this as it changes - but so far so good. 

One of the things so many of our friends say, you must miss your house, your old home, especially now since you have it for sale...Well no, we don't, and we now realize it's surely not a HOME, when the people we love are not there.. Brianna our grandaughter was so sure she would want to buy our house, but even she says, it's not the same, without you and Granmac, it doesn't feel like the same place...and there you have it - we are here, we are happy, and most of all, Mac is happy and that's what counts...

We walked along some of the old part of lachine a couple of days ago, and the memories for Mac were such that he would stop and say, I'm sure I rode my bike around here - and came here for lacrosse games -- it is so familliar to me...the houses with the doors on the street, reminded him of St. henri, and of course the street names rang a bell, especially St. Antoine...and St.joseph along the canal...So living in lachine - is where we are and when we wake up in the morning...we smile and say....Good morning Lachine....yesterday i had to give a little history lesson to the doctor's receptionist...she didn't have a clue as to the why of  Lachine...well i sure hope everyone who reads this, knows the Why! 

Mac is now dressed for the day, and it's time to get ready to bye for now

Saturday, 4 May 2013

Saturday, May 4, 2013 You are such a nice.....?

Tropical weather brings out the best in Mac, he loves this heat, and with all the windows in the apartment, it's as if we've moved to Florida, actually have the a/c on - but not too much as then it's - hey there's a draft where's my I wipe the perspiration from my forehead.  But of course he is not moving around - doing household chores, but he is watching out for the cat.   This is his most important job, to make sure whenever someone comes in or out, that Mischa does not sneak out.  Then to make up for the fact that poor Mischa is stuck in he always pets him and says..."you are such a nice....and for a few minutes he struggles as he tries to place the category, once he called Mischa a bird, and several times a dog...and then it's, "what am I saying,  you are the nicest cat in the whole world"...Well this is definitely not so, but he is a beauty, and as mentioned before, he tries to rule the roost, and is a pushy, furry, bossy, whiny CAT.

The mornings for Mac are relax and kind of nap, but if this session is too long, his walking deteriorates and then we have a bit of a problem to get his legs going, and the less he does the less he wants to do.  So the watchword is MOVE, so we go downstairs to check out the activities, and while we're there give a little hello to the two budgie birds, we call them Hopper and Topper, but we keep forgetting to ask someone if they have names, one is blue like one Mac's mom used to have, whose name was Topper, but sad to say he now no longer remembers that although he did when we first moved here...We then move on to say good morning to the Paranoid four...the ladies who are sure someone is stealing their clothes, or taking whatever one in particular must have been a real toughie in her day, although her smile is angelic...Elena the girl on the desk always says Good morning Sir, to Mac, and asks how he is...his answer, "Not sure'  or when he is really UP he says, 'i'm fine, how are you"....

If our neighbour on the bottom floor who is in a transition room, she has rheumatoid arthritis and can hardly move - is there, we have a short chat with her.  We connected very early in our stay here and were amazed to find that when she heard Mac's whole name,  Gordon McConnell, she was so delighted, and with a big smile, said, 'why you were a close buddy with my husband, Cliff Adams at CN, and  thankfully i remembered the name, and here in our small world is a connection from Mac's work days in the CN...he did have some memory of that, but as far as remembering Cliff, well this was not to be...

If we can pick up someone's gazette, after they are finished with it, I'm happy, Mac has no longer any interest but I do read Dear Annie to him, while he groans and says, "what a problem, what's wrong with those people'... i must start to get my own gazette...we then finish our rounds by checking out what's going on in the Activity room, if it's Thursday, we have our yoga session, if it's Friday, we check out Richard on the second floor...the man who leads us all in Music Therapy   This deserves a section by itself some day...and finally we check the mail, and wind our way back to our happy abode....

So the sun is shining, it's morning, and Mac has been resting a bit too long, it's time to stretch his legs, and do the morning round...have a great day...and we will too.

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Wednesday, May 1, 2013 Was I a good husband???

Well two sleepless people in Lachine last night as Mac's memory had to be freshened up at about 12;00 p.m.  First did i get here....answered in the usual car truck stuff moved in a van etc etc...yes but why...well you have a memory problem...yes i know - that's true, but why, well we both are gettting old and we need knee was swollen from going up and down now our house will be sold, and we are in this nice apartment, where we get lots of help...BUT, why can't i remember, well you have a memory problem, that is why you can't remember different things, you take pills for your memory, remember?  How come i don't remember you, you say you married me....'YES, DEFINITELY, there is the picture, right there, do you want me to turn on the what is your last name?  It was janet Mergler, but now since i married you it's janet McConnell...

Well here is where i almost dissolved in tears...'it must be so hard for you to go through this?  I said, Mac, it's harder for are the one who can't remember, you are the one who has to try to figure things out...which person is my daughter, who is that man is that my son, etc.  no it's hard for you mac, and I love you.  Yes, i know that you do said mac, and I love you, but, i want to ask a kind of embarassing question - go for it, i answered....Was i a good husband??  Well you were a good husband for sure.....and after a few seconds and for fun, i added - except for the beatings ....Well that had us both laughing, as for sure mac knows he would never beat anyone...and he was the BEST.

The anxiety, and the nervousness about his condition, stayed with him and he had a very restless night, even so far as getting up and walking around the apartment....which means i had a restless night too...but in the morning he was up at 5;00 a.m. this is unusual, but decided he is defintiely too warm with the change in the weather, so we'll have a change in night wear...and see how that goes, but there will probably always be more questions to be answered, and as I told him, when he said, 'but this is no fun for you - you must find it so hard,  ' no, as long as you are alive, and with me, it's fun, and the best part is we are together...' i would be so sad if i were alone without you'...then for a lighter note, said, 'hey but that also means you have to let me out every once in awhile by myself..'   and he long as you ARE by yourself..well ha...he still get's about that...