Sunday, 26 May 2013

Sunday, May 26, 2013 Where the hell are we and why......

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2013 / Walk for Memories 2013 -
Hi Jan....sorry I didn’t make it because of the rain.  How did it go?  Were you able to achieve your goals?
So many questions, eh?
Take care, hope Macs eye is healing ok.
So that's a message from my dear friend Susanna -
And below is the answer:-
Hi Susanna,
lucky you, i thought we should perhaps cancel, but mac seemed o.k., but if  you have been reading my blog you probably realize that was a mistake...his med strips covering his cut over his left eye were drooping into his eye causing him to be practically blind by the time we got there, as well the rain was coming down in torrents....  So it was "what the hell are we doing here, Where are we and why and for C's sake let's get out of here.  and more cursing and cussing."..imagine the place was like a little swamp and we only had shoes on. 
My son Les and one of the workers cut up one of those thin plastic ponchos and tied plastic over poor mac's shoes...didn't help much either that his umbrella broke as soon as i opened it...Sooo i decided to call it we stood under a tent ....watching the  parade of brave people marching off on the walk in pouring rain, included in the group were Valerie, Brianna, baby Finley, my nephew Greg and girlfriend Deb...Les and Jane opted to stay with us and then at my urging due to the air that was turning blue around Mac, we just turned around and went back to our place..
When we returned luckily the nurse was on duty and managed to cut the antiseptic strips over mac's cut although one can still see the blood,; it is scabbing, yuck, but he felt much better.
 Little while later V B and F. came back with box lunches which the A. Assoc.  provided and Greg and Deb brought back delicious macrons...(to die for)  we all had a nice time here in our cozy apartment....
Later, when most of the gang left...Greg stayed with Mac and Deb and I went to the Teapot ( the Seniiors Club here in Lachine) where they were having a Flea Market...and bought some cool things..
We (Mac and I) ended the afternoon at the afternoon party for the Seniors in our building who have a birthday in May...there was a pianist who played all old favourites, with loads of trills, and the place was quite packed with residents...So after some bd cake and juice, we happily returned to our snug little home...The weather cleared up, but Mac's had enough excitement so we're staying put tonight.  i asked him if he was happy that we didn't bother to do the WALK, he said 'what walk'  ????
Hope you don't mind more info than you asked but  i'm going to cut and paste all this in my you don't need to read it, ha...   xxxjan.

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