Friday, 10 May 2013

Friday, May 10, 2013 Should we go upstairs...?

Our doctor  took Mac off one of his meds  and I am going to keep a record as I remember that when mac was desperate and crying trying to understand what was going on in his head.  There he was  on the bottom step of our stairs inside at our Montcalm house going through hell..i called the Dr.  -The Dr.  prescribed a higher level of that particular medicine - . and now at least yesterday he had to have a test to see if he could have $$$ from govt to cover the  169 per month..Mac tested under the prescribed level so Dr. thought it  was not doing too much for mac  , and since he is not testing high enugh the  Gov't will not pay for the meds - so he is off that one.   we'll see after 2 wks, if being off is good or bad.  . The Doc thinks it's the new home and the safety net provided. that is causing him to have a good nights sleeping well , and good days.   ...But

As of last night he was awake twice – ..also, very restless hearing every sound so we or I am noticing a difference..already...

The atmosphere and the help here is of course super and he responds to this so well, the exercise the yoga and the music therapy on walking every day to the lake and along the lake, the structure the fabulous light in our apt...from all the's wonderful for both of the first month here where he was furious that they dressed him for the day and undressed him and put him in his p.js at night – this has changed to acceptance and in fact he looks forward to the help and the conversation with these people, 4 ladies, the real friendly one, then another also friendy but not as verbose, two quieter ones but ...all are good and helpful.  BUT ....was the medicine doing it's part too?.  This is the question...

Today, he was content most of the day, but not as on target, or am i looking for a downward thrust...for example when we were going to brush our teeth before he went to bed, he said, should we go upstairs...well we don't go upstairs, but we used to in our other house. so that is probably understandable But yet,..Also, his walking seemed slower - but was i walking faster than i normally do...he could hardly see his fork tonight and had trouble eating, well that was the same yesterday, in fact he didn't see his spoon in the dish at breakfast yesterday...I must stop trying to see changes that are not there...he was certainly on target when i was trying to put his toothbrush in his hand, he said..'put it down , i'm not a baby...and he is right, I  know he can take things himself, i go overboard sometimes with my help.

looking at some of the people with the big A. i can see what is coming and somehow i try to compensate and do too much and not give Mac enough time to do things for himself...anyway, i want him to have all the help he needs, so taking him off his meds has caused a change, and probably the change is in myself...we will see...g'nite.

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