Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Wednesday, May 1, 2013 Was I a good husband???

Well two sleepless people in Lachine last night as Mac's memory had to be freshened up at about 12;00 p.m.  First did i get here....answered in the usual car truck stuff moved in a van etc etc...yes but why...well you have a memory problem...yes i know - that's true, but why, well we both are gettting old and we need knee was swollen from going up and down now our house will be sold, and we are in this nice apartment, where we get lots of help...BUT, why can't i remember, well you have a memory problem, that is why you can't remember different things, you take pills for your memory, remember?  How come i don't remember you, you say you married me....'YES, DEFINITELY, there is the picture, right there, do you want me to turn on the what is your last name?  It was janet Mergler, but now since i married you it's janet McConnell...

Well here is where i almost dissolved in tears...'it must be so hard for you to go through this?  I said, Mac, it's harder for are the one who can't remember, you are the one who has to try to figure things out...which person is my daughter, who is that man is that my son, etc.  no it's hard for you mac, and I love you.  Yes, i know that you do said mac, and I love you, but, i want to ask a kind of embarassing question - go for it, i answered....Was i a good husband??  Well you were a good husband for sure.....and after a few seconds and for fun, i added - except for the beatings ....Well that had us both laughing, as for sure mac knows he would never beat anyone...and he was the BEST.

The anxiety, and the nervousness about his condition, stayed with him and he had a very restless night, even so far as getting up and walking around the apartment....which means i had a restless night too...but in the morning he was up at 5;00 a.m. this is unusual, but decided he is defintiely too warm with the change in the weather, so we'll have a change in night wear...and see how that goes, but there will probably always be more questions to be answered, and as I told him, when he said, 'but this is no fun for you - you must find it so hard,  ' no, as long as you are alive, and with me, it's fun, and the best part is we are together...' i would be so sad if i were alone without you'...then for a lighter note, said, 'hey but that also means you have to let me out every once in awhile by myself..'   and he long as you ARE by yourself..well ha...he still get's about that...

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