Thursday, 23 May 2013

Thursday, May 23, 2013 Just leave it alone....

I'm on my blog in the morning, which is a first....why you may ask???  WELL, I'm absolutely devastated i've actually hurt ACCIDENT ....hurt the love of my life...MAC.   They say there are no accidents, and in a way they (whoever They are) are correct.  If i had been watching what i was doing it wouldn't have happened but I was having too much fun.  We were in our exercise class, and at the end of it we play a game of kicking or batting - whatever - these huge happy face beach balls...there we were 20 alzheimers people or whatever ailment plus the teacher and myself batting and kicking the balls all over the circle...two came toward me and i quickly reached out with my left hand and mac leaned over with his right and i caught him squarely in his left eyelid with the nail of my little finger ....Well, no one really noticed not even poor mac whose eyelid was bleeding - it could have been his!! ..BUT, i quickly went to get a wet kleenex and put it on his eye...  with Mac saying through clenched teeth...'just leave it alone'

Well  here we are two hours later....we've finally had the nurse here - she put some special little bandage strips on as the cut is wide so to try to bring it back together and believe it or not still bleeding - also there is a kind of tiny blotting bandage on it as well....i've been having to put kleenex on my eyes, as i can't stop having tears every time i look at him and know who caused the damn thing.  As mac and the nurse said - it's an accident, but were i not being so carefree and a little more observant i'd realize that flinging one's legs and arms around when sitting close to others is  a bit dangerous to say the least.  As mac says over and over, "well I'm the one who never want's to go to these things, so now you can see it's stupid and we won't go there again'  well hopefully he will forget...and hopefully, the person who is supposed to be "with it"  will watch what she is doing.

To think i could have done it to some unsuspecting neighbour absolutely makes me cringe, and to do it to mac has made me  ill....

Will just add a couple of more notes here....yesterday we had 'Bill" from the CLSC, and i have learned how to figure what to just happened that instead of saying ClSC is sending some one to give me respite, i said....CLSC is sending someone to visit you every week, they want to make sure your move from CLSC care in Chateauguay  to CLSC care in lachine is going well...Mac said "oh that's good'...When the man came i introduced him as Bill here to visit Bill agreed with that, and continued to talk to Mac about  'did he like his new house etc."   So I left them to it for about two hours, and all went well, so that's how we'll handle it from here on....a visitor for Mac, he likes that, who wouldn't. 

Lastly, we were going to go out this afternoon for banking and grocerying, but due to the "eye incident" we're taking it easy, and whammo a mother of a rainstorm hit the building, and we've been watching the trees, the wind and the rain hammer away at all our windows, kind of scary fun.  But happily we're stuck now we'll have a cuppa tea...relax, and enjoy some soothing music....(i need it) xxabientot

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