Monday, 3 June 2013

Monday, June 3, 2013 Sundown Syndrome - my wife has gone

This missing me, or not remembering me, and thinking I have died seems to be part of evening problems, as this is what he told the girl who helps him in the wife has gone , she died or just walked away...poor Stephane his helper,  tried so hard to get him to remembe ME....after awhile he decided that yes it's a memory problem and since I say i'm his wife, he might as well accept it, as he definitely likes me...and therefore, he's sorry he makes me so sad...tomorrow who this disease can make him so UP and so DOWN, and definitely does a number on me...although I'm not alone with this problem and one thing for sure I am not alone, I'm with him and rather be with than without...and that's the bottom line.

So i'm going to cut and paste some answers to another email from a friend to put everyone on the same page.....We definitely have moved, we live in Lachine at

Lachine, QC, H8T 3K4   phone # 514-538 3818

Tonight on our after dinner walk, i was just saying to mac we have come full
circle, we started out in a 3 1/2 on Barclay 61 years ago, and now we're in
a 31/2 on 32nd ave  Believe it or not we love our place, i will fwd some
pics of our apt. right now i'm looking out of huge windows all around, where
i see the sun going down leaving beautiful pink, orange and blue sky over
mount royal and the shrine in one window, over the st lawrence river in
another and over lac St. louis in's super...

Mac has alzheimers and has problems with his memory big time, so we need
help, he has great help in the morning and evening, getting dressed etc..i
used to do everything and it was getting really difficult and tiring, also
all the stairs in our old house were unsafe - now we do not have stairs to
cope with and we have meals provided if we wish, i don't, as i do all the
cooking and love it still, but once a week we eat in the dining room, we
love the staff here, and the people we meet...

We have our house in Chat. up for sale, don't miss it, and the friends there
are still in touch with times i miss our sunporch, but hey have
great walks on the lake, used to have to drive to the river for our walk,
but now we just have a 16 min walk and we're at the lake, shopping center
next door with my dentist there as well...library also next door, and a huge
park across the street (behind some great restaurants, ) actually we just
came back from a walk around that park watching volley ball, kids on skate
boards, little children on their little bikes etc. it's super for us two

we're 15 min from Gaye in pointe claire, 20 min from the kids in Chat (Val,
les, and Glenna) and about 30 min from maureen in ile brizard....and we see
the kids every week or so..and on fb and phone ....11 grandchildren, one in
calgary that just phoned us yesterday ...and one wonderful great grandchild
Finley she is our star.16 mos.  we were showing her off to our friends from
Australia just yesterday....will send pics soon.

We still have our cottages up n. but gradually kids are taking over for
us...I MISS MY OLD MAC but this one is fun, and loving and i am here mostly
for him and my house in chateauguay is nothing if he is not there and so since he
can't be there, we are here and the best thing is we're Together...

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