Thursday, 20 June 2013

Thursday, June 20, 2013.....I'm just a nothing.....

Breakfast over, Mac all dressed and having a second cup of coffee, I'm trying checking the phone book to find where a Vet is in this town of lachine, so that Mischa can get his shots....when Mac says - i'm just a nothing...I can't do anything, .his head is down, his eyes are closed....This is so heartbreaking....I quickly run over to him and say, what do you are great, you've done so many things...'no no, i'm not good for anything, i should just jump out that window...'   Well this is not a new story, but it has not appeared for quite awhile and really sets me back...he continues to get into a blue funk,   So i say "look you are fine, except for your bad memory, you are able to have a good life...look out the window at the lake we'll go for a walk over there shortly....

Well no he was not to be swayed, he was a failure, had nothing and worth nothing...until i went over the are a father have 5 lovely children, they all have great kids, and you have $$$ in the bank. Well that brightened him up and we were able to have a good conversation about how he got his $$$...where he worked, and so as we went over his life, and pointed out that not many who live to 83 could say as much..."Wow says  mac, are you telling me i'm 83....yes and I'm 80 going on 81, we're old fogies....but we can still walk, have friends over and enjoy life'...he perked up, but i wish i could put his face on camera when i said,  and we have our little Finley...she is right here, as I showed him her pic on our fridge...'how old is he now said mac with his eyes shining...16 months i replied or maybe 17 months.....i can't believe it - she runs circles around us....she is so terrific...and he looked at her his blue eyes bright and shining...and when i said, we will see her today.....well as i write this i have a lump in my throat....and tears in my eyes...

it was just wonderful, he picked up and was so happy, in did a sweet little baby do this  - without even knowing it - she has made such a difference to him, it's remarkable....he said, she will come with her little finger pointing at me and try to say Granmac...i said, yes that's we should pick up our socks now and get on with the day...

.i don't remind him we have exercise class, as he always goes in with a dour look, saying look at all these old loonies, but then he gets into the act and enjoys doing the exercises - which we do on a the music on great tapes of Frank Sinatra and other oldies...and with other these two oldies will get going  bye for now....

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