Monday, 26 August 2013

Monday, August 26, 2013 which one is cheaper....

Have mentioned before how much importance Mac attaches to $$$$, which I guess is normal if you are not too sure of just what is going on etc.  How would he live, where would he go, these are thoughts which would be normal for anyone who is unsure - hasn't a clue  - and in his case, doesn't know if he even has $$$$.   So yesterday after a lovely day at the market day at isle St. Bernard in Chateauguay, courtesy of Valerie (who drove us there and back) plus the fun of being with Brianna and Baby Finley ...we arrived back home happy and ready to settle in.  Although we had plenty to eat during the day, i gave Mac a choice of two different light suppers, soup and salad, or soup, corn on the cob and salad...his answer ....which one is cheaper...Try to explain that it's already in the house...we're not paying...well finally the message got through, and he made a decision....

So no matter how I try, it's difficult to spend money, especially HIS we were able to enjoy time at the lake even though it looked like rain, it's always a treat regardless of weather, today's mist over the lake with the sun peeking through two blue-grey clouds, gave us a reason to leave a bit earlier than usual and go for groceries...Well Mac decided he would wait at the restaurant area, again, "no don't want anything don't spend your money i'm not hungry, but I'll just wait here" since we had just eaten muffins which i paid for at the 'Teapot" (seniors club on the lake) figured he would survive.  Of course he was fine when I arrived back, but today there were no samples at IGA super market, usually I take the sample rush to him and give him the sample and continue shopping, thus he is not sitting without me for too long as one could practically have a meal on the usual samples...

 when we were leaving he was - noticeably bothered..- then he said, 'you know, what would happen if you didn't come back, i said, well I always do - I know i didn't get samples to you so I guess it seemed kind of long...Well he said,  i don't have any papers in my wallet, don't know how much $$$ i have, - right away, i thought, he is right...what if I fainted, or fell or whatever... we discussed this and he was so understanding of his own problem...and of course mine.  When we got home, we went over the contents of his wallet, and realized his ID was not really correct...his old address, so i made him a new ID, I believe I can get him a special bracelet which he and i agreed would be good; in case he ever got lost somehow...this I will check out tomorrow with the Alzheimer's Assoc.   And of course we were back to how much would that cost, but he got over he realizes cost is not the problem here. 

In any case he mentioned how he had been away didn't know about these things - also harked back to not having any knowledge of how or when his mom besides telling him about that, and how maybe i could get some papers from that time showing this i said, you know we have to live in the moment, as your memory is so so short.  You probably don't remember yesterday, we were at isle st. Bernard...oh yes he said...the baby was there, Finley, she was bounding all over the there she is again, the memory maker, the little miss marker in his life...what a blessing, and hey she doesn't cost us a cent...hurrah, - g'nite..

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