Friday, 21 February 2014

February 21,2014 Do we put our coats on......

The rainiest day ever, but we were heading out to have Mac's haircut..he never knows is it still raining, is it cold, is it outside, is it inside..where are we going..even though i told him several times..and then do we put our coats on...for sure and away we went in Raymond's car.  Raymond is Mac's barber, and has been for over 40 years...he still tries to get into conversation with mac, but there isn't much remembering there, and it makes Raymond sad..but he is the one who is responsible for us living here at Floralies - Lachine...

For the past 15 years or so Mac has been going to Raymond here in lachine - prior to that he connected with Raymond at CN station, where for many years Rayimond had  his barber shop, Mac was his favorite customer and so Raymond has continued to be the man who makes Mac look so day when he saw how mac's memory was deteriorating he suggested that we try the Floralies....i forgot about it until we were searching for a place (desperately where we could stay together with help...and only remembered when we (Gaye and Maureen and myself) were just giving up on trying for a place that i could take on the lakeshore, Chateauguay not having anything of that nature..only a placement where he would be alone, and i would have to visit each day...not an option.

So it was kind of memory lane day as we discussed how long Mac had been going to Raymond, Mac and I continued talking about that when we came in the our front door, the radio was still on to entertain our mischa while we were gone, and there we heard Beethoven's 5th... i asked Mac, do you remember that piece and do you remember how we were so thrilled many years ago when we heard the montreal symphony directed by Zubin Meta   and the wonder of seeing a live orchestra doing that....SURPRISE,he said he remembered...and so that was terrific.  So long ago, the Montreal Star promoted the symphony by having Dollar Concerts at the Forum...mac who is listening to jazz right now, has always been a jazz fan, and he became a great classic fan through those Dollar Concerts, even more so than myself.  I love classical music, but can't remember the different symphonies, or who the composers were...this was never a problem for Mac, along with knowing the jazz greats  he also knew the Classical greats...and so hurrah, although he didn't remember Raymond ....hardly remembers who i am...he knew Bethoven and the 5th symphony...but then what a wonderful fact what a genius...i told mac Beethoven's  father took poor ludwig  out of school at eleven....mac said..he didn't need school he had his true

Well it was a wonderful memory....and now we are enjoying another great...Frank maybe I'll check and see if he remembers our jazz days or maybe I'll just leave him be and let him enjoy...and i will too...g'nite....

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