Friday, 16 November 2012

Friday, November 16, 2012 I exist therefore I am...

Cogito ergo sum  or   I think therefore I am    philosophr Rene Descarte, this was something Mac used to say this in  the distant past, with a smile, but this morning before we even got out of bed - he was saying  -'just how and why am i like this...and then how did I get here - the where the how the who the when,  and then he kind of laughed and said, "I guess I exist therefore I am...I said, 'you're pretty profound first thing in  the morning.  he continued wih no eally it would be goiod to tak to somebody who knows...Everything is a blank, but i'm glad I'm able to be here, but where and whiy elude me  and like what did I do before I got in bed, or what did I do yesterday.  Well I almost hated to say it in such a philosophical discussion but I did, 'We went out for groceries"...oh yes?  Well i still know who I am he said, then ..i said, o.k. who am I   answered Mac, you are Janet..and you are i added, Gordon he said. 

Should make it clear here that he is also at times having problems talking and at times he was  stuttering or talking very slowly, and getting  frustrated trying to find the words or the thoughts he had and spending  time searching for the words  and also searching  his mind for the life he had - and so he continued to try and piece out his thoughts, then all of a sudden he said, enough thinking or philosopy on the when and how of it, if i don't get up, i'll flood the bed...we both laughed ..and he carefully tried to get out of bed, this is a problem as well.

So it was on to a shower, breakfast and a fairly good day, although he has a cold now, perhaps caught it from  our sweet great granbaby, who visited tonight, and there they were both coughing ,,  but happy.  And on this note,I will say that I'm only going to be blogging once or twice a week from now on.  i will update as we go through the different stages...that is, if i can.  I have found that before each stage I wonder if I can adjust, can I handle that problem can i continue to be positive.. so far in each stage we have adjusted to the changes and i'm always content when I'm with him...but have to be realistic about the future.. right now it's back to Mac and the  evening news..g'nite.

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