Thursday, 8 November 2012

Thursday, November 8, 2012 Where does the cat go?.

Just put the cat out for his last little jaunt around the back yard, of course he is on his leash.  Mac always let's me know when it's time for him to come in, which is just around now...9:10...and as usual before the cat goes out, Mac always says where does the cat go ...he means when the cat comes in.  I make it very clear, the cat has a last snack of the day...Mischa, snacks all day, i say, but anyway, he gets a special before bed...and then he has the whole basement to himself, and can sleep in any of the chairs or in his lovely basket on his nice warm red blanket.

At 10;00 when the news is over and the weather forecast is on, Mischa knows and up he comes to meow and let us  know the drill here. we feed him, and the fish and they go to bed.... and this is so good for Mac, and this sets Mac on his own schedule, to get ready for bed.   I realize how important it is for him as i had been thinking we should go to Fla.but Mac says no way and he is right. 
  I can't see us there, as  I can understand how Mac feels as he is often feeling so lost right here in his own home and has said  so.   In fact one of the things he said yesterday is i feel stranded somewhere and i just don't know where i am ...yet he knows the layout of the house, it is inside himself that he is lost, which is something he also says from time to time.   He doesn't have an anchor or feeling of security , so seeing some familiar things is what is important.  The cat, and now the fish, are in a way , kind of landmarks or important pieces of the puzzle of the life he now leads.
So as i said, he needs this to feel  secure and at home, so I'm off to bring Mischa in, then we'll watch the rest of the news...feed the cat   feed the fish   and then it's off to bed ...g'nite.

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