Monday, 12 November 2012

Monday, November 12, 2012 Where do you sleep..?

This will have to be a short one - i find that at this time Mac gets totally bored with the news, and wonders what it's all about...  most of the time he hasn't got a clue unless it's about one person i.e. a child especially or one person.  All the talk about the election leaves him cold.  The rememberance day service in Ottawa he found interesting, especially since the camera zeroed in on children and of course the vets.

Tonight as usual he is kind of off ...wandering around the house, making sure all the lights are off - then asking me where do you sleep, where do I I've just shown him where and he has checked which side of the bed he sleeps in, and seems content for now.  

Today on our walk he said how sad it is that he cannot remember anything, and that to him we have been away from each other for so long.   I kind of hate to repeat that we've been married 60 years so I am now just saying, well time goes so fast, and it does seem like we have been any case it's a great day and who would believe this weather in November.  He wondered if there were any McConnells left that would remember him, so i steered away from that one, and reminded him that Les dropped by for a few minutes yesterday, and he is a McConnell, as is his son Jacob.  He then remembered his mom, and how sad it is that she is no longer in St. Henri..

I can really feel for him as it is such a struggle to understand, and make sense of what is going on when one doesn't remember from even at times 10 minutes before.  He does enjoy watching me bake, cook supper, and discuss food, and what we like to eat...I'm trying to get him interested in home movies again, tonight we watched old movies made by Glen Swan, son in law of my sister Ellen, there we saw our nephew Greg as a little baby...our son Les at about 4 and Gaye when she was only one year old.  Usually he is not keen - but he was interested and said, we should get a group together to watch..but this can change, but may try that when we have the family here. 

On a positive note, he enjoyed the sun, and watched it come and go - mostly it was there and that made his g'nite

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